The luminaries are at it - yet again!

My oh my, here we go again! Listening to this morning’s BBC News programme we had this Labour luminary trying to explain why they have taken away the winter payments from most pensioners. Interestingly she continued with the usual political claptrap. These dastardly Conservatives having left the country bare and in a complete mess during fourteen years of mismanagement. Yeah, tell ‘m baby. Obviously the present Labour government has people that show a wonderful lighted ring above their heads. I must say, I am impressed by the continuing stupidity of politicians. It never seems to end! There has to be some school somewhere teaching these twits to come up with such banal sayings. Plus, they are told like Hitler was told by Goebbels, tell ‘m lies long enough and they’ll believe ‘m. This is how low Britain has sunk. We no longer are looking seriously at what is needed for the future, we are just making decisions on the spur of the moment. Disregarding needs, disregarding or not even knowing what the word ‘infrastructure’ means, and just throwing more borrowed money at it without any benefit whatsoever whilst continually bleating how the previous government brought all this upon us. Condemn them to the hereafter for ever! It just shows NO-ONE has ANY NEW ideas or even HOW to properly govern for the benefit of ALL. Yep, that is the UK today. I just wonder why those from the world’s sh*tholes still want to come. Or is it just they feel happier in sh*tholes? When I came to this country after having joined in holy matrimony with a Welsh beauty the country was trying to get up from the struggles and problems of the world war. Yes, difficult but it was properly trying and beginning to show some success. But somewhere around the eighties, possibly the problems of the seventies, it all seems to have gone to the planet Mars. To the fore has come party ideology rather than a wish to better the lives of us all. I now think that having voted for Brexit, me as well, was a possible mistake. Not because of the abysmal type of government and waste the European ideal actually was, but that we here did not have an idea at all what we should really do outside the EU. Vague talk about world trade now being possible which basically has never really taken off bar having apples from South Africa, and talk about new alliances which were really already there and so on and on.

One would have thought a luminary like Keir Starmer would really get to grips with it immediately. Trained in the law as he is. BUT, what do we hear? He will give speech later when Parliament will sit about how the dastardly Conservatives have brought us to the edge of destruction!!! Yeah, tell ‘m Keir and whilst you are about it please get a few more lessons from the luminary who seems to impart all this new way of governing. Thinking about it – which university is it ?

Well, in the meantime about all I have seen so far, is that the government needs more money. Not because there is according to them a £20billion black hole, but the impending salary increases of public workers. The usual Labour-Unions problem this country has. Plus the house building claptrap. Yes Labour needs to house all the convicts let out far too early. These will have to be completely supported financially. In other words the government, possibly local, will have to pay. Meaning local workers will foot the bill through up the roof council taxes. One thing is for certain, the government in all the possible ways will not lose a penny. Its workers will even qualify for hefty increases due to so-called improvements in quality of service. Oh yeah, you heard it here. Quality is the KEY word today but it’s a word without meaning.


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