Why bother to come? Things here are no better...

The flow of migrants to western Europe continues unabated. Whilst already plenty is known about the stresses put upon the various governments, we only have to look at the UK to see that in all its colourful but painful existence. The facts are it denudes the many countries these people come from. Looking at the number of young, mainly men, coming in hundreds of inflatable dinghies. One wonders how this actually will impact the very countries they come from? Plus the enormous sums of money leaving those countries? The money charged for these ‘trips’ runs into the thousands.

The gangs operating are in the western countries, France for instance or Belgium, so I suspect money does not go back to those African or Asian countries the refugees are coming from. However, it seems that when immigrants finally find work, usually low paid, some money is sent back to family. The question needs asking, who actually benefits? It seems it is only the criminal gangs. Immigrants themselves unless highly educated, usually end up in the very bottom layer of the country they had thought to give them a better life. The dream they all have, usually gets deflated pretty fast. Too many end up in the criminal underworld.

This is precisely why proper thinking people ask themselves – why have our politicians no idea how this system works or even, how to combat it? Why continually walking away from the problem? Is it not the very reason why we elect them? To solve problems? Why continually bleating about how they are going to solve the problem, they quite evidently have no idea how to go about it? All valid questions.

We continually send money or other ‘commodities’ to so-called developing countries allowing them at the same time to be denuded of the very young people whom they need for their development. It is completely wrong thinking. Culminating in home policies that have no impact beyond the purses of the population at large. Yet again local politicians believe this will show them in a good light, that they ‘care’ about the less well-off and under-developed nations. In reality this is nonsense as the ‘gift’ comes with conditions usually costing the recipient nation more than what has been received. The Chinese in particular excel in this manner of ‘supporting’.

I have often wondered why in particular young people want to move to western countries. The truth is they have seen on television the way this so-called western life has been portrayed. The houses, the cities, the bit ‘n bobs people accumulate, televisions, computers, holidaying on endless sunny beaches. In other words they have seen a type of life which is edited like an company advert. A life that has only been attained by rock and film stars but only by very few ‘normal’ people. If you have been born in between cattle dung and hardly any water to drink or proper food to eat in the village mud hut with the only TV you see the report of the ‘Glastonbury rock festival’ we too might think, ‘I want some of that’.

Simply stated, the whole system needs a complete rethink. Are our wonderful but dim politicians capable of thinking? Could they actually speak the language of diplomacy in order to rectify the damage? Well, do rhinos eat lions for breakfast? The problem seems to be the stranglehold the woke liberal elite have on politics. It probably stems from the universities. Just look at our top people, they are all much of the same. Wonderful speeches, but no action. The sound-bites fly us around the ears. Politics has become a game much like an edited romantic movie, everything is twee, everything is peace above all else. Not a single politician has studied behavioural science or even knows how the human psyche actually works in the real world. The real world being the struggle for existence, the reality of crime and why that is so. Sad? I would say so, it is deplorable we have sunk to this level. We may well wonder how much further down it can go.


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