
Showing posts from December, 2023

A New Year's resolution?

Is anyone still believing that Russia is a peace-loving nation? Frankly, they are deluded. There is just one thing autocratic nations believe in and that is world domination. They simply want to have installed puppet regimes all over the world. You only have to read their manifestos or political outpourings, written or verbal and you will know! What I cannot understand is our western approach to this. It is basically very similar to 1939 when another deluded politician went to see a dictator and listened to the same weasel words and returned waving a nice piece of paper saying – Peace in our time! That peace lasted less than the time you need to boil an egg. Why we, in the western world still believe there are peaceful intentions with the autocratic regimes, Russia, China, Iran and others, it will only encourage more acts of violence. It is seen in the Ukraine, Israel (Gaza) and in the Pacific where China is rattling the sabre. And we in the western world are very happy to ignore all o

Compassion with tax payers?

We should have compassion with tax payers in this country. On the news this morning we are told that it is very likely that Council Tax might go up by up to 10% next April. Wow, so for a middle range stone built house in the valleys of Wales which at the moment is about £180 per month, would go up to nearly £200 per month! You must excuse me, but what are we, the general public, actually getting for that money? Besides all the other taxes we must pay, 20% PAYE, some 10% NI, the BBC charge which is basically a tax and that is also going up and would be about £160 per year. The vehicle tax plus associated costs like insurance. The list is endless. You may ask where it is all going but when you see and hear about all the charlatans who are stuffing themselves with our money, you begin to see the problem. Just look at local councils, the ‘top’ people can earn anything from £100,000 to £200,000 per annum basically for doing less than the average 80 year old pensioner walking around on crutc

What are you teaching, eh?

  If anyone thought there is something wrong with education in this country, give them a medal! How many times have we said or thought, "heavens above, what is going on in our schools"? What are our young children being taught? What are they shown? And yes, here we are again, this Saturday it is reported that a school, a secondary school, in one of the lessons asked children whether they thought the Hamas attack was fair. This was reported on Mumsnet, a website where parents discuss some issues arising. Without any doubt, whatever a teacher’s personal opinion, they should be very very careful about how they approach issues like war, its accompanying atrocities and without seemingly taking sides. One may ask where did this teacher come from? What university did they attend? What indeed is their quality to teach? My daughter is a teacher, she attained a BSc in a Life science followed by a PGCE. Now in England apparently a PGCE is not needed to teach but a PGCE can give you a be

Why all these excuses?

  Anyone for thinking this is a funny world? Actually it is not a funny world unless you use the word in a negative way, it is a tragic world. A tragic human world. Humans festering on the planet like “Granny Grey’s”. By the way a granny grey is a colloquial slang word here in the UK for the woodlouse. And I have plenty of them in the garden, even coming into the house from time to time just to say hello! Anyway, I am referring to the strange way we here in the western world have reacted to the wars, both in Israel and in the Ukraine. We seem to be viewing these as some sort of Hollywood movie. Yet when real blood is being spilled the leftie liberals come out of the woodwork. Screaming about ‘war criminals’ among other interesting words. But what do we think war is? An afternoon tea with cakes in the sunshine? War is when people leave all there senses behind and become like bloodthirsty leeches. Indiscriminately killing, maiming and raping. Yes, this has happened in all the wars foug

Sensitive issues? Maybe, not sure...

Woke Britain? Noooh, really? Strike me down with a goose feather. But when Universities stop playing the national anthem at graduation ceremonies, you may well ask, What TF? Obviously the rationale here is to be seen and, here is that great word we all love, ‘inclusivity’. It tends to go along with ‘Multicultural’. Both words don’t mean a thing. Although the BBC thinks it is a Must do! The trouble with multiculturalism is that people talk about it a lot but do not actually want to do it. Same with inclusivity. Black culture tends to all stick together in a ghetto, just look at Bradford, Leeds etc. That’s where the sub-continent Indians and Pakistanis tend to congregate. Cardiff, the capital of Wales is exactly the same, Grangetown and Ely districts. The first thing coloured people shout when you mention anything like that is ‘RACISM’, obviously they do not understand the issues. The issues are simple – when you come to a different country you assimilate, you quickly learn the language,

A bit more on Universal Matter(s)

  The various discussions, questions and replies on Quora sometimes are also rather interesting. Particularly those about the Universe. Now I know very well that loads of it are simply what I would call ‘day-dreams’. Others are difficult to get your head around. For instance the idea about the Universe expanding. Now, the word suggests something enlarging. Plus that all movement of that nature has a beginning where the volume was much less. Hence the theory of the Big Bang. The other side of that idea of expansion is , what is it expanding into? And also if we started out as a finite amount of matter then expansion in the end will have expanded the distance between matter such as stars, galaxies, dust, whatever is in the volume will be so great we would not be able to see anything. That is of course, if we were around at that time. The other question concerns the idea of whether the Universe is a closed entity. Visualise a sphere of gigantic proportions but it has a border. Everything

Universal thoughts? Yep, there is space...

There is quite a lot of chatter on the various social media platforms about ‘our’ Universe. Talk about ‘Quantum States’, ‘ Big Bang’, ‘Expansion’, ‘Star Travel’ amongst other interesting headers. Recently I read that it is likely we, that is to say our galaxy, sits in a ‘Void’. An area where the cohesion between matter is less than elsewhere. Even better, that this has facilitated life as we know it. Then there is the debate of Universe vs Multiverse. I think the main problem with all of this is that we just do not know. The Universe as we see and experience it is basically a book of which we have only just read the first two pages. It does not mean we could not read more of it, of course. But it will take an extraordinary long time. It could even mean the human race being extinct before we came to the last few chapters!  Let’s try to have a look at where we are today – we have stepped onto the moon and have placed a few expensive trinkets on the surface of the planet Mars. We have sen

Some more - Looking through the Keyhole...

A golden nugget of text appeared in one national newspaper. It was about that extraordinary goofy show ‘I am a Celebrity, Get me out of here’. It was under the heading of Great TV Lies and Delusions. It is basically a bit of a caustic comment on what one of the contestants, Nella Rose had said. ‘I have never started something in my life and finished it’, and next ‘ A McHappy Meal says she is lying’. Well, that put paid to the woke business then! Having stopped laughing I have to say showing the vociferous Nella up for what she stands for. What is wrong with young people. I do think she could be a pretty good politician, those characters also start a multitude of projects, talk endlessly about it but never finish them. Anyway, people like that I believe, are the ones guilty of warming up the globe, too much hot air. But the females of this world are quite the feisty bunch aren’t they? Especially the American ones. What happened to the great women of the Victorian era? Those who travelle