A New Year's resolution?

Is anyone still believing that Russia is a peace-loving nation? Frankly, they are deluded. There is just one thing autocratic nations believe in and that is world domination. They simply want to have installed puppet regimes all over the world. You only have to read their manifestos or political outpourings, written or verbal and you will know! What I cannot understand is our western approach to this. It is basically very similar to 1939 when another deluded politician went to see a dictator and listened to the same weasel words and returned waving a nice piece of paper saying – Peace in our time! That peace lasted less than the time you need to boil an egg. Why we, in the western world still believe there are peaceful intentions with the autocratic regimes, Russia, China, Iran and others, it will only encourage more acts of violence. It is seen in the Ukraine, Israel (Gaza) and in the Pacific where China is rattling the sabre. And we in the western world are very happy to ignore all of that as long as we can fly to Spain or elsewhere in the Mediterranean area for a bit of sun. So, who cares? If you do not believe me, just look at the queues at Heathrow and you will note the type of person waiting to fly. These are mostly under 35 and have just come from some protest about global warming. But they are tired now and need a vacation in Spain. It completely escapes their brain that global warming has been aided by taking hundreds of thousands of flights. Plus, of course, the CO2 emanations in the manufacturing processes. Again, why care. Aren’t we entitled to our pleasures?

Just as news of the missiles in both the Ukraine and Russia has reached us, we might ask why Russia feels to ask for the UN Security Council to be convened? Because Belgorod has had a few missiles striking it. Yet Russia has no problem bombing the sh*t out of the Ukraine. That’s OK then. It surely is high time for the western world to show some balls! It is the poor Ukrainians that are bearing the brunt of the Russian aggression, not Poland, not Germany, not the Baltics. Looking at the signs I might add that it won’t be long, if the Ukraine falls, the Baltics will be next and Poland thereafter. But we are happy because we have the paper that shows Peace in our time! So, let’s keep on dancing and protesting or whatever else takes our fancy. It won’t be long, maybe not even in our short lives but we will have to face up to Russian aggression. Hopefully we will not treat the issue as in 1939 for surely we should remember what that means. That ought to be our New Year's Resolution!


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