Sensitive issues? Maybe, not sure...

Woke Britain? Noooh, really? Strike me down with a goose feather. But when Universities stop playing the national anthem at graduation ceremonies, you may well ask, What TF? Obviously the rationale here is to be seen and, here is that great word we all love, ‘inclusivity’. It tends to go along with ‘Multicultural’. Both words don’t mean a thing. Although the BBC thinks it is a Must do! The trouble with multiculturalism is that people talk about it a lot but do not actually want to do it. Same with inclusivity. Black culture tends to all stick together in a ghetto, just look at Bradford, Leeds etc. That’s where the sub-continent Indians and Pakistanis tend to congregate. Cardiff, the capital of Wales is exactly the same, Grangetown and Ely districts. The first thing coloured people shout when you mention anything like that is ‘RACISM’, obviously they do not understand the issues. The issues are simple – when you come to a different country you assimilate, you quickly learn the language, you will endeavour to find a job fast. Yes, accept help when available but know it will not last forever. Also do not expect to see what you have heard, the streets are not paved with gold, there is not really a free lunch and the girls are not public property. On the whole you cannot really blame immigrants for all the ills in society. Our various governments have totally misunderstood what immigration really means and what it needs. You cannot really expect a million or so per annum to dance over the border and just let them loose on society. If anything they need housing. 

So, what is happening that across the nation councils are pressurised to take immigrants and house them wherever they can. This usually means council housing or pay private landlords. As a result young local people will stay on the housing lists for years! Indeed a very sorry state of affairs. No immediate solution either because as I have mentioned before many times – immigration pressure will only get a lot worse due to global warming and discrepancies in living standards between the western world economies and the African/Middle Eastern economies. Plus of course the differing political systems of many areas. It should be recognised that most non-western European countries are autocratic. Dictators or so-called long-lived presidents, even royals. So, I think that the two words represent a dream, and right now pretty well unattainable. Despite the BBC trials of wokery, displaying coloured people in almost everything. Who can forget Queen Victoria as a black lady? She was actually quite good but it made a mockery of historical fact! I recently heard someone mentioning – why are there now a multitude of coloured people in adverts? Knowing that only some 10-15% of Britain is of coloured extraction? For myself I am not bothered by that as long as the ads are funny and relevant. So, a pipe-dream? Perhaps, but we need proper governance, proper laws, proper treatment of immigrants and proper ways of returning these if needed.


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