Some more - Looking through the Keyhole...

A golden nugget of text appeared in one national newspaper. It was about that extraordinary goofy show ‘I am a Celebrity, Get me out of here’. It was under the heading of Great TV Lies and Delusions. It is basically a bit of a caustic comment on what one of the contestants, Nella Rose had said. ‘I have never started something in my life and finished it’, and next ‘ A McHappy Meal says she is lying’. Well, that put paid to the woke business then! Having stopped laughing I have to say showing the vociferous Nella up for what she stands for. What is wrong with young people. I do think she could be a pretty good politician, those characters also start a multitude of projects, talk endlessly about it but never finish them. Anyway, people like that I believe, are the ones guilty of warming up the globe, too much hot air. But the females of this world are quite the feisty bunch aren’t they? Especially the American ones. What happened to the great women of the Victorian era? Those who travelled to the West? On foot even, enduring incredible hardships? But now we have the likes of the Duchess of something or the other, bitching about how bad she has been treated. Not being happy to sit in a million pounds, sorry dollars, complex watching the forest fires nearby, casting accusations about like the tennis balls on their court. As a previous Dutchman I am angry about that nation being castigated as the bad guys for having translated a book she undoubtedly had a big hand in, with names of our Royal House as racists. Who believes a word these people say? Scobie the so-called author or the Duchess? I know a solution to this – take away her title(s) and sue her for defamation. The author to be put on trial in London and banished to the Tower where he can gaze at the Crown Jewels before his head comes off. Anyone to handle the blunt axe? Join the queue which already must be a mile long.

It is a funny world, no? Despite court cases left right and centre, people still publish unsubstantiated clap-trap hoping to make a fast buck. But on this occasion I am hoping Buck Palace will take appropriate steps for once. These people need to button their cake-hole and retire to Greenland.

Meanwhile, in the jungle things have gone rather well. More critters have enjoyed their short life by plastering themselves all over the faces of the remaining contestants. You may ask, what is the point of it all? I am not sure whether I agree with all of it because as our TV Green pundit Chris Packham said, ‘what in all honesty are you doing with these thousands of insects, the mice, the snakes and whatever else they use’? All for our amusement? Sure, Ant and Dec are funny all by themselves but do they need this? It is a worrying trend because to stay in the limelight these type of programmes get more violent, more animals, more gory activities as time goes by. OK, there is no blood spilled in Aussie land except for the bloodsuckers, leeches or ticks but what is next? Putting some tigers in the forest to make it more interesting? I’ll watch that!


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