A bit more on Universal Matter(s)

 The various discussions, questions and replies on Quora sometimes are also rather interesting. Particularly those about the Universe. Now I know very well that loads of it are simply what I would call ‘day-dreams’. Others are difficult to get your head around. For instance the idea about the Universe expanding. Now, the word suggests something enlarging. Plus that all movement of that nature has a beginning where the volume was much less. Hence the theory of the Big Bang. The other side of that idea of expansion is , what is it expanding into? And also if we started out as a finite amount of matter then expansion in the end will have expanded the distance between matter such as stars, galaxies, dust, whatever is in the volume will be so great we would not be able to see anything. That is of course, if we were around at that time. The other question concerns the idea of whether the Universe is a closed entity. Visualise a sphere of gigantic proportions but it has a border. Everything inside it can and does move, sometimes suggesting of it enlarging. But the sphere does not get larger, does not expand. Then more questions debate whether there is a sphere at all. The infinite Universe. That idea could mean that there are many more Universes such as ours. The Bubble Theory. Religions also have some, sometimes fanciful, ideas about our reality. From we are just a figment of some giant being’s imagination to just being fleas of the back of a dog. In other words all tries to get to some sort of understanding what we are, how we came about. Personally, I believe that there was no BB but rather a Big Whimper, a slow, for universal principles, but for us looking like instantaneous, inflation. The age-old question still arises – was there anything before all this started? We just do not know. It seems an alien thought, how did all this come about from nothing? Is it possible? We hear a lot about Quantum Theory and when particles appear out of nowhere and just as quickly disappear again. To be fair we don’t even know all of the particles that can exist. We know an atom and what it is supposed to be. There are electrons, protons, neutrons. And even more, protons and neutrons consist of quarks. These quarks are held together by other items, called gluons. And so on and on. But as we can read, the science is nowhere near to understanding the relationships and how mass is distributed to form a proton. On top of all that, protons can be transformed into neutrons through emitting a positron. There is then an increase in mass but offset by a decrease in the binding energy due to the decay. It sounds simplistic and yes it is difficult to describe the process simply. I am no nuclear scientist, just an interested reader and observer. So, before you ask what a positron is, it is the positively charged subatomic particle having the same mass and magnitude of charge as the electron and constituting the antiparticle of a negative electron.

Lovely, now let’s get back to the Universe. I do think the Universe is not just the lot we see, that’s only the Observable Universe. There is lots more outside. Moreover, the Universe (A) which we can call ours, where we exist in, is a wobbling inflated balloon which shows up in our time existence as a red shift for some galaxies. Even more, there are countless more wobbling balloons all interacting which each other. One interesting question would be, could we perforate these balloons? In other words, can they be destroyed? Maybe, maybe not, we will never know. If they exist at all, they would surely interact,even combine. A frightening thought but fun all the same.


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