Why all these excuses?

 Anyone for thinking this is a funny world? Actually it is not a funny world unless you use the word in a negative way, it is a tragic world. A tragic human world. Humans festering on the planet like “Granny Grey’s”. By the way a granny grey is a colloquial slang word here in the UK for the woodlouse. And I have plenty of them in the garden, even coming into the house from time to time just to say hello! Anyway, I am referring to the strange way we here in the western world have reacted to the wars, both in Israel and in the Ukraine. We seem to be viewing these as some sort of Hollywood movie. Yet when real blood is being spilled the leftie liberals come out of the woodwork. Screaming about ‘war criminals’ among other interesting words. But what do we think war is? An afternoon tea with cakes in the sunshine? War is when people leave all there senses behind and become like bloodthirsty leeches. Indiscriminately killing, maiming and raping. Yes, this has happened in all the wars fought. Hamas is NO exception except that it was filmed and seen across the world. 

I am not making excuses but it is not particularly strange that it happened. On top of that it was reported these ‘fighters’ were high on drugs. As I have mentioned before I have had time spent in an army, many years ago. Things were not as woke as they are today and we were told quite clearly, you kill and that is it. Kill and move on. Because if you don’t, someone will kill you. And today in western armies, bit of a joke, you might have to listen to – ‘Before you shoot you must ask whether the person in front of you, ‘What religion they belong to, how old they are, their address and the phone number of their lawyer’. Finally, you must ask their permission to be killed. It is an absolute joke how we think to be of importance in the world, we are seen as total idiots. This can be seen in the attitude displayed across the world, we are thought of as easy meat. I am in a way sorry to have to agree with Mr Netanyahu, there is only one way to stop Hamas and that is to eradicate the lot. Unfortunately, as war has proven, innocent bystanders get in the way and also perish. Services, social or otherwise like transport will be harmed and are virtually impossible to continue. In the end we need to be ready to pick up the pieces and help out to alleviate as much as possible.

The same goes for the Ukraine, already dirty politics are seen to be happening. We have to ask ourselves a question, was it right for Russia to invade another country? That under the premises of ‘safety for the homeland’? Now that the support is wavering because of the cost, we also have to ask another question – What if we let Russia do this sort of thing again and again? Because as has been shown many times in the past, there is only one outcome and that is total war. We too will have to fight for our existence, our way of life. Dictators and other autocratic regimes can only exist when they imprison those who do not agree with them and kill all opposition. By force. But humans have very short memories. After the killing we will have a few months or even a year of recriminations and then all will be well. The money men will have earned millions and now want to spend it. Except there is one big caveat – we now have weapons that will not allow second thoughts. This time will be the end of all. The human world will finally pay the price for their intransigence and misunderstanding of what life is about actually. It may be the time that another species will have to fight for supremacy. Hopefully they will make a better world. We, humans, have had our chances, we have failed. Some of us may linger on, caves are around still. Indeed, this scenario is eminently feasible if we do not get our act together. So, who will tell our leaders?


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