Universal thoughts? Yep, there is space...

There is quite a lot of chatter on the various social media platforms about ‘our’ Universe. Talk about ‘Quantum States’, Big Bang’, ‘Expansion’, ‘Star Travel’ amongst other interesting headers. Recently I read that it is likely we, that is to say our galaxy, sits in a ‘Void’. An area where the cohesion between matter is less than elsewhere. Even better, that this has facilitated life as we know it. Then there is the debate of Universe vs Multiverse. I think the main problem with all of this is that we just do not know. The Universe as we see and experience it is basically a book of which we have only just read the first two pages. It does not mean we could not read more of it, of course. But it will take an extraordinary long time. It could even mean the human race being extinct before we came to the last few chapters! 

Let’s try to have a look at where we are today – we have stepped onto the moon and have placed a few expensive trinkets on the surface of the planet Mars. We have sent space vehicles crammed full of fact finding equipment to the far reaches of our solar system. So, we have learned quite a lot of how it was formed and more importantly that we are seemingly the only life in it. Until further exploration occurs that proves otherwise I would say we ARE the only life and able to move freely within certain constraints. There is some way to go yet before we know what can be done with some success, or not. It is also rather interesting to listen and read about what scientists think about the Universe. How and why has life occurred. Is that normal or an exception and only why just here? Would gravity have played a role? Gravity being the gravity exerted throughout the Universe itself. The Major Constant. But then there has been seen that the Universe is expanding, Aka the Red Shift. But not all visible galaxies are red shifted some are in the blue meaning they are moving towards us. Andromeda is one such galaxy. That will be followed by asking – What then are we expanding into? This is a Million dollar question but we will probably never find the answer to it. The problem also is that of the speed of light in a vacuum. This is some 300,000 km/second. So, someone who would ask – why do we not see other Universes in that void in which our Universe is situated,- is perhaps not aware that the light of those ‘universes’ has not had the time yet to arrive to us. So, time and space are related or even part of the same thing. Some scientists have said that time did not or does not really exist. It is the same thought as a human being did not exist prior to its conception. In other words prior to me, here as a thinking being experiencing time which is galloping ahead to its conclusion, there was no ‘time’ for me. Even better, the matter of which I now have been constructed might have been part of a Tyrannosaurus Rex a long time ago. Moreover, it might have been part of far flung stellar bodies that have exploded as supernovae. And the same question to all of it arises – what was there before matter. It has been figured out that matter is related to energy. Much like to idea of energy being steam but when it ‘cool’s or loses ’energy’ it becomes water. If losing more energy it becomes ice. It seems to be a universal concept. As one can see, it is all just one big question with few answers or ideas up to now. But I suspect from a probability point of view that it is going to be much more interesting. That the multiverse does exist and that time is eternal. Beginning to sound a bit like religion? Well, anyone for a Starbucks coffee? I need a few.


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