
Hurrah hoist the flag, shoulder arms and let's get to it!

Well, I have had a bit of a rest recently. Mainly because I just got fed up with reading and watching the daily show called Brexit. In fact so bored with it that to lighten it up I now think a second, third, fourth and even a fifth referendum will be necessary. In fact let’s have a referendum every month. But today an even funnier item is in the headlines. Funny in one way as the cause of this is a occasion of some being poisoned by an unknown agent. Possibly chemical. Because the persons affected are of Russian origin, spies in fact, now retired. Our wonderful government automatically has assumed Vlad the Impaler is guilty. Even worse we are going to do something about it! Yes, militarily and economically! Wow, Theresa is showing her steel backbone OK! First of all, it is terrible that in the UK we have people with a past, such as a foreign spy being poisoned by so far unknown perpetrators but although this person is of Russian origin should we assume that the Russian state

Who is for a bit of Spam?

One thing that bothers me and I suppose it probably is bothering loads more people, is that when we are linked to the Web we receive loads of spam email. Some of it pretty criminal. On most the giving away of millions of pounds or dollars is pretty obvious and to say the least, a bit idiotic. I often wondered why not more is done to stop this type of email. I use Thunderbird and that will show the real address from where the email originates from, not just the address the fraudsters tell you to use to reply! A tremendous lot originate from Japan, although the content of the email talks about rich people from Benin or any other African country wanting to give me two million dollars. Yes, from Benin, it used to be called Dahomey, another of those poor African countries. It might be that these emails do originate from Benin but via a Japanese network. It is interesting. No need to say that they end up in the Spam folder and automatically deleted after 2 weeks. Recently I received ano

PC Army.... WOW!

Anyone for a bit of PC? Yep, political correctness has now even penetrated the Army. By all accounts the latest TV adverts are showing, it’s OK to cry, Ok to be emotional and don’t forget your prayer-mats. Now it may all sound normal to the liberal elite or even to Labour party today but perhaps I might ask one question? What actually is the Army for? I have been in the Army and frankly it is not a hotbed of people crying their eyes out or taking five to have a quick prayer at the height of a battle. We were taught to kill, yep you heard it here. Kill. Not have an hour’s discussion with a shrink prior to putting the bayonet in. If your life is at stake or the nation’s then that is what an army is for. Defence. I am of the opinion that we should be telling the liberal do-gooders where to sign-up for a bit of square-bashing. A few weeks of traipsing through the mud at night, fording cold rivers fully loaded will do ‘m the world of good. If they get some lovely blisters on their pal

Brexit again?

The question of Brexit has yet another high profile critic. Perhaps I might be allowed to ask a question? These people who are elected representatives of the British people, what are they to represent? Yes, the will of the people. Hmmmm, pretty easy to deduct that I would say. Unfortunately, the reality seems to be that everyone of these elected representatives just follows their own ideas and desires! Now I have just listened to Lord Adonis, interesting chap but completely wrong. First of all he suddenly feels that we are going the wrong way. Well, maybe but is it not his job to see to it that the will of the people is carried out to the best of his ability? No, we now have just another sniper who is mumbling all sorts of untruths about the whole process. Secondly he was part of the government as an adviser.  Possibly his advice was not accepted because it simply wasn't good enough? So, another MP who is throwing his toys out of the pram? Oh Westminster is deluged by all theses

Paid jobs for the boys....Hmmmm

I do receive the posts of 'Unlocking Democracy', a pressure group. Sometimes they say what I can agree with and sometimes I do not. That's what democracy is all about. But as I have been saying in the past on another blog about politicians taking on outside jobs to pay for things like second even third homes, duck-ponds and more it was galling to read about the erstwhile Chancellor, puppy-eyed George Osborne having seven paid positions? One is apparently paying him £600,000 plus per annum for one day a week's work! Makes one wonder when in politics they already started to lay the foundations for their future. Is it not strange then that they are working for precisely these companies and organisations they benefitted from laws and rules they made during their Westminster Palace tenure? Just wondering. And he is not the only one of course, David Cameron also acquired a lucrative position. Perhaps it is high time to investigate these practices. Be aware though that it is n

Making your mind up....

One of the things about making decisions is the ability to enforce them. In the matter of the Brexit question - for those who do not know what that is ‘ the decision through a referendum made by the British people to leave the European Union’ - it seems that the decision was made but no-one really knew how to implement it or enforce it. Nor what the implications would be. To any sane observer a decision to leave means, open the door, exit, and close the door. No questions about how to open the door, how long to be spent crossing the threshold and no questions whether to close the door softly or give it a good shove. But of course politics is just that. Endless arguments over the ‘fine’ details. As a result the UK is in an almighty morass. To be fair so is the EU. If we took a good look at the judiciary I would say the UK is quite capable of law-giving and enforcement. For that we do not need the European Court. Also do not forget there was a time before the EU. Personally for me th

Amazing? Yes!

What amazes me is the inability of politicians to think about financial affairs. There is a simple truth. You cannot spend more than you ‘earn’. In government parlance that means you cannot spend more than you get in tax income. If you do, there is only one way to alleviate the shortage, you borrow. In the case of the UK the government(s) have borrowed close to £2trillion. By all accounts the debt stands at some 85% of GDP! All talk of reducing the deficit is just total idiotic and simply means just one thing, we keep on increasing the debt. The deficit talk just underpins the inability to reduce our spending. It also means any government, past, present, future has build up a society that vastly lives beyond its means. Who is to blame? We all are! Simply too many of us are walking along with closed eyes and cotton-wool in our ears. It is worrying to hear on the various news channels the continuing clamour for ever more money. NHS, Social Security. It must be obvious to all except it i