
Another Public Enquiry, everyone? Why not, it's fun.... (for some).

There is something strange that happens in Britain, it is called a Public Enquiry. Not sure if it happens in other countries. These enquiries tend to happen after bad things, like a very nasty killing. Something that recently happened when a rogue policeman killed a girl walking by. Or we have an enquiry into actions or non-actions by police or claiming of expenses by MPs. Things like that tend to attract a Public Enquiry. There will be a Chairperson, a number of officials appointed and there will be tons of paperwork. People will be interviewed and after a zillion years a report will be published. Everybody that took part has already gone to heaven and no-one alive will quite recall what the enquiry was all about. The report will have just two lines. ‘It was a terrible thing and must never be allowed to happen again’. Plus ‘LESSONS WILL BE LEARNED’ or ‘HAVE BEEN LEARNED’. The same every time. Great words, everybody please applaud! The truth of the matter is these public

Where's the back-up plan? Ehhh....

Let me ask this friends because you might also begin to wonder – Is Westminster the new Comedy Central? Westminster meaning the scaffold tower and building next to it, The House of Commons. The jokers inside bellowing at each other gives that place the right moniker – the Abattoir. Any policy that is pushed through nowadays will suffer six U-Turns before it is dished. I quite like it because for the entertainment value. Let’s be fair the BBC’s programming is so bad nowadays with interviewers who are sent abroad and then start talking and asking questions unrelated to the work at hand. The poor Ms Kuenssberg who normally seems on the ball sort of missed a penalty in New York. Well, I suppose we all have off days. But altogether it shows a big problem, the government is floundering. It is quite clear that planning is an art long lost in the hallowed circles of the green leather seats. Surely this lack of drivers is not something that just cropped up? That has been a problem for years! I

And a bit more queing!

The bit of understanding I had about the collective mindset of the human being has again either disappeared or severely dented. If the various governments of the world do not take heed of how easy it is to panic every Tom, D*ck and Harry, just look at the pandemonium about the so-called shortage of petrol. Forgive me for saying this but is it not our own fault? There was no shortage at all bar a few hiccups of supplies. We get then these BBC nitwits starting to report, and not just the BBC, all stations are at fault. Talking about shortages of petrol, diesel all thanks to no deliveries due to no drivers. Result? Our wonderful British population goes en-masse to the pumps, literally bleeding them dry within a few hours. My local filling station had a delivery yesterday morning and you know what, motorists would NOT let the poor guy out of the forecourt! They completely jammed the road from both directions! It took two hours for the driver to get out and you know what he said? ‘There is

Anyone for a spot of queing?

Hang on a minute before I write more I must get some diesel for my car. The station is not far away and the cars are queing up already. Do I hear you ask, why? Oh reader it is simple really. Two things, firstly woeful planning by the government, that could be national or the Welsh Assembly and secondly as soon as people hear of shortages they immediately rush to whatever is short and make it even less. So, the media, newspapers and particularly the BBC are good at stoking this frenzy by their continual silly reports about drivers not being there or sheltering at home because they had some stupid message that they were in contact with someone who was positive for Covid. I think there is need for anyone who is in government or who wants to stand for election to have a course in ‘The Repercussions of Decisionmaking’. That is to say ensuring you will be aware of making a decision what the possible ramifications will be, then act accordingly. What we see today is just the opposite, they m

Good news? Sure it's around, just look....

After all is there actually ever any good news? With politics, the state of ythe economy, the state of the planet, the never ending troubles between nations, just to sum up a few. But it is easy to highlight the bad, you have to look very hard for the nice and good. This morning I got up and the sun was shining just getting above the eastern horizon and also a huge moon low in the western sky. I was thinking blimey, what’ s wrong with that? You do not see that often in our situation. Wales can be clouded over, grey and damp for days on end. That is why it is so green. So, I will spend some time to tend to the garden, I noticed the grapevine in the greenhouse has mildew! Never had that before. According to pundits jojoba oil will kill it, so I might try that rather than a mixture of washing-up liquid. Anyway, back to the good news, it seems that more and more of us are beginning to look at our personal lifestyles. That certainly is good news. A life of western excess will do no good to

Planet in trouble? No, we are...

More and more reports are seen that show without any doubt that the planet is in trouble. Well, actually it is not the planet but what lives on it, and that includes us humans. Global warming is no longer in doubt, it is happening. Whether we will cope with it is another matter. Actually, I think from the reports that we have already overstepped the mark where going back was possible. The problem of CO2 is only part of the total. If you already have an enormous amount of it, even volcanic emissions will just increase the total and these will continue whether we like it or not. The warming of the seas and soil will only help to further emissions of methane, a gas worse than CO2. Human activity itself, for instance the increased deforestation of tropical forest has also increased the loss of soils which in turn contains nutrients for bacteria and algae providing poisonous blooms in the oceans. It is no wonder fish stocks already under threat of overfishing have further declined. The ‘hol

Hurrah, things are changing...or are they?

Looking at the latest political machinations, eg the reshuffle, we might think that things are changing for the good? Nadine is going to take the woke society to task? I like the sound of that. Then also we have Priti’s insistence on taking on the lazy French. Not paying a penny until they do something about the inflatables trying to cross the Channel. All these problems, if I may call them that, are of our own making. Our lax attitude, our weak political will. To top it, we are governed not by the elected government but by a woke Civil Service. Time to give them a bath.   But it shows in a distasteful way the situation we face today. It sounds good doesn’t it when someone says ‘We protest against global warming’ and then just does the things that furthers global warming. It sounds good when someone says ‘ I have just thrown a statue of that horrible racist goon in the water’. The facts of how societies were in the past escapes them because they failed their GCSEs, in particular histor