
Carbon Zero? How?

And more it becomes clear that despite good intentions we are not really getting to grips with all the changes that are happening and are still to happen. You could say that the central government makes policy on the hoof with little idea what it entails for the immediate future. On its own the policy to be Carbon-zero by 2030 for London sounds great. Is it achievable? Well, I leave that for others to decide. For myself the answer is – Are you an idiot? The problem is again, making policy without little idea of the consequences. The calibre of politicians today leaves a lot to be desired. Mr Gove this very morning was trying to defend building a million homes. Yet again, and perhaps this is not just his policy or idea but here is another instance of a soundbite sounding brilliant to those who are waiting for a cheap home. Building homes though need loads of land and that has further implications down the line. For a start the procedure is NOT carbon neutral or even kind t

Woke - Who is doing it?

You learn, hear or see something new every day. Reading my two newspapers this morning I noted a very interesting article by one of my favourite journalists – Trevor Kavanagh. Now, you might tell me I’m an idiot which might well be correct, but Trevor hits on a point of which I am also very concerned about. If he is right and why should he not be, there is an undercover something at work in the UK. By that I mean a few organisations, hidden and secretive. He called it CP (Common Purpose). And it includes people in high places such as the ex Police Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. Rather interesting remembering her handling of certain police who were found to be somewhat aberrant in their duties. There are too many of such streams in our political and associated lives. It has opened up this woke industry where literally everybody is scrutinized. Looking at their political views, what they say and what they do. You must excuse me, but in which country do we actually live? Say aga

Hot weather? Believe it or not...

Just now on TV I heard, Scientists say the weather is unprecedented . I think that means we are seeing unprecedented weather patterns. I suppose the scientists are correct. To have a few summers when temperatures are above 40 °C and for longer as well plus extensive droughts in quite a few areas of the planet is indeed pretty worrying. Yet does anyone of the ‘normal’ population worry about that? I don’t hear anyone talking about not going on holiday to the Med. There is now more plastic in this world that can bury us all in a 10 feet deep layer! Our so-called civilisation depends on oil, prior to that we depended on coal and prior to that we depended on wood. The point here is that we have always produced carbon dioxide and some other heartwarming gases because that is life. But as populations grew we simply have produced more. To the effect of placing billions of tonnes of gases in our atmosphere we cannot breathe. The natural cycle has been further changed by humans cutting down the

Say sorry and bend the knee, please!

According to the newspapers our beloved Minister of Defence has suggested that Ukraine should be more grateful for receiving weapons. Or rather express gratefulness. Which prompted a slightly acidic reply from the president Zelenski. On top of that Zelenski felt he had to sack his ambassador to the UK for getting into the furore. First of all Mr Wallace is a bit dim by all accounts, suggesting a whole country should express its gratitude? What else have they got to do? Oh, I know, ask President Zelenski to get on his knees in full view and profusely thank Mr Wallace for allowing some tanks and other equipment to be given to Ukraine. This should last for a full hour followed by a flower laying ceremony in Kiev in front of the UK Embassy. And that’s not all - Mr Wallace would be given the Legion of Honour with three stars. Oh, I forgot also to be given the freedom of all the cities in Ukraine. What a load of tosh. I would expect more political nous from somebody like our Minister. By

Hot action is chilling the blood and oh yes, the climate...

Not very often can you read proper political articles in a newspaper. Certainly not in a newspaper like the SUN unless of course the perpetrators are half dressed or not dressed at all or are wearing small bikinis. But on this day Douglas Murray became a guest columnist and a good one at that. He was talking about how we are facing problems with our politicians and leaders of large organisations, even our military being more interested in playing identity politics rather than facing up to the threats happening all over the world. In particular of course Russia and China. The Chinese are playing a game of appeasement through very cheap exports that we in the western nations have become so accustomed to that our own industries for such products has all but disappeared. Our political leaders don’t seem to have noticed China’s belligerence in the South China Sea, they don’t seem to have noticed the way Russia uses its soldiers as human cannon fodder and likely would do so in any conflicts

Computers? Beware! It is a jungle out there...

Does anyone ever think about the world of electronics, mobiles, computers and the associated stuff that comes with it? How despite so-called regulation, that world is awash with criminality. Some of it even sponsored by and actually originating from nations! And I suppose the UK is no different despite mealy-mouthed assurances and policies. Well whatever but what surprises me is the world of so-called defense. Anti-virus and a thousand different formats and tastes. It always seems to escapes peoples notice that anti-virus is basically a sham. Viruses do exist of course, there are far too many half-baked university graduates who sit all night with a single light on in the room, a cat on the sofa which has seen better times and fag ash spilling over the ash tray, tinkling on the ivories of the keyboard, who develop this type of nuisance. However, anti-virus can only ever be detected after it has already wreaked havoc. As such people lose money every hour of the day. You could say, anti-v

JSO - what does that mean?

People generally don’t like to be hassled or perturbed about interference within their daily lives. Like going to work, travelling to a holiday in the sun or anything else that interferes with daily life. Take JSO (Just Stop Oil) and their insistence to disrupt the daily slog but not just that, also to highlight their cause by disrupting fun things like cricket matches or just plainly sitting crossed legged on a motorway – like the M25. Or climbing a bridge span. It is fun for them but not so much for the public that need to go to their work. Looking at it with an open mind though sees it slightly different. First of all what is it about? It seems a set of demonstrations about the supply and the use of oil derivatives such as diesel and petrol – fuel for almost everything mechanical that moves on the planet. The point highlighted is one that everyone really knows – that of global warming due to humanity’s desires. Desires like having a car or two or more, transport, use of electrical o