JSO - what does that mean?

People generally don’t like to be hassled or perturbed about interference within their daily lives. Like going to work, travelling to a holiday in the sun or anything else that interferes with daily life. Take JSO (Just Stop Oil) and their insistence to disrupt the daily slog but not just that, also to highlight their cause by disrupting fun things like cricket matches or just plainly sitting crossed legged on a motorway – like the M25. Or climbing a bridge span. It is fun for them but not so much for the public that need to go to their work. Looking at it with an open mind though sees it slightly different. First of all what is it about? It seems a set of demonstrations about the supply and the use of oil derivatives such as diesel and petrol – fuel for almost everything mechanical that moves on the planet. The point highlighted is one that everyone really knows – that of global warming due to humanity’s desires. Desires like having a car or two or more, transport, use of electrical or electronic gadgets, planes and all the commodities that make our lives somewhat easier and possibly more comfortable? But as is highlighted by their actions, that global warming thanks to humanity is the result. So, they wish to reverse that but whether you can move humanity’s desire for an easy or easier existence remains to be seen. Looking at what goes on in general terms, not many humans, certainly not in Britain, are desirous of changing their habits. Generally speaking global warming are political soundbites professing ‘We need to do something’ but in real terms very little is actually done. As the present flurry of strikes shows, people are more concerned about their standard of living. What most do not seem to understand is, the standard of living is closely related to global warming! The type of society that we have set up is one of continual ‘increasing output’. Presently we have something called ‘Inflation’, it stands apparently at just over 8%. Also we hear a lot about GDP (Gross Domestic Product) which is basically a figure showing apparent economical growth. GDP is a figure of all the goods produced, services given and are multiplied by current retail prices. I am not going into a economics lecture except by saying it is not the real indicator of growth because you would have to deduct the inflation percentage. You will end up with the ‘real’ GDP. Which at the moment might raise the hair in your neck. Anyway, what we are looking for is  we need continual ‘growth’, possibly due to people wanting new goods, more goods and as we have seen, manufacturer’s provide continual new and innovative products that need a market. That market needs customers who if they want to buy need the means (usually money or barter). They would need to earn more. This action introduces inflation, wages rise, prices rise. We are in an upward curve which is very difficult to halt or even reverse, as we can see today.

So, what then for global warming? For myself having my depressive hat on, I say ‘What global warming?’ There is little point as most of us, as has been said a few times, have little intention of changing our lives to accommodate the wishes of protesters such as JSO intend to press upon us all. Politicians just utter the required soundbites but go home in their gas guzzlers, large homes, putting on all the lights in every room and up the gas boiler. Next they discuss how to increase their stipend (salary), increase their freebies like free gin, whisky and wine and go home again. They might for a second talk about Aunt Annie’s need for a 18-bed mansion and level of benefits because it shows their awareness of social issues. As such, you will note global warming is not a real problem. Not for them. The problem is us, humanity. The planet will shrug its shoulders and carry on. It just applies the restrictions put on it and adapts them so that the system still operates. In other words, because more CO2 is put into the atmosphere it allows for solar radiation to become trapped. If you want to know how, take a chemistry course. The atmosphere heats up and that allows for more water into it as the oceans warm. More clouds, more energy=more rain, more wind, higher temperature. Basically, that’s it. Well done JSO for stating the obvious, now change the action and become more political to wake up the whisky guzzlers in Westminster.


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