Woke - Who is doing it?

You learn, hear or see something new every day. Reading my two newspapers this morning I noted a very interesting article by one of my favourite journalists – Trevor Kavanagh. Now, you might tell me I’m an idiot which might well be correct, but Trevor hits on a point of which I am also very concerned about. If he is right and why should he not be, there is an undercover something at work in the UK. By that I mean a few organisations, hidden and secretive. He called it CP (Common Purpose). And it includes people in high places such as the ex Police Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. Rather interesting remembering her handling of certain police who were found to be somewhat aberrant in their duties. There are too many of such streams in our political and associated lives. It has opened up this woke industry where literally everybody is scrutinized. Looking at their political views, what they say and what they do. You must excuse me, but in which country do we actually live? Say again? The thing is as well, who is actually driving this itinerary? The Left? The Right? Who? Or is it just pressure groups. The type called lobbyists. Perhaps but nevertheless it is people with a permanent sense of injustice about something they themselves have not experienced. For instance the continuing rumble about ‘slavery’. Obviously slavery is an injustice against freedom of the person. It was prevalent in previous centuries. But still occurs even today in some places. It is the attempt to make us collectively guilty of actions our forebears did plus the call to make ‘reparations’. Am I guilty, should I pay? Like hell I will. I am not guilty of what my forebears did or thought and neither are you! Unfortunately this is only one item on the agenda, there are more. The continuing pressure to ‘normalise’ alternative modes of living as humans, is growing day by day. You only have to look at BBC programs to see how same-sex couples are portrayed. Some of the ‘Free Channels’ also show more and more kindred items. ‘Naked Attraction’ is one. 

What is ‘woke’ really? It seems it is ‘a feeling by people, mostly younger ones, who seemingly feel, believe, there are systemic injustices that need addressing in any possible way’. That sounds somewhat vague as there will always be ‘injustices’. It is called ‘life’. But today groupings, secretive or not, have a ready public. A public that live their lives through social media. Facebook, Twitter amongst a host of others. People act very differently as I know from experience. As a school governor in the past I met many teachers and assistants, catering as well. One lady who prepared the school meals for the kids, was very helpful, friendly, an altogether nice person. When she retired many very good and nice words were spoken. She mentioned all her friends, and what a great time she experienced working with them. Two weeks after she left,someone alerted the school about some items found on Facebook concerning the school. The short of it was the lady apparently hated every day she was at the school. The words ‘slave’, ‘grossly underpaid’ and expressed her dislike of the school-head amongst others. Interesting because it shows a strange world inhabited by people who feel the ‘injustice’ whatever it is but can only express it secretly. Only now is it becoming more open. Unfortunately the real woke people with an agenda still stay in the shadows. It is the gullible younger echelon who glue themselves onto the road. The narrow-minded ‘leaders’ of pressure groups stay behind the ramparts. It is time to tear them down and show what is really going on. Basically an attempt to completely overturn the political and social structure of this country. But for and to what we yet do not know. Time to find out and thank you Trevor for highlighting it.


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