Carbon Zero? How?

And more it becomes clear that despite good intentions we are not really getting to grips with all the changes that are happening and are still to happen. You could say that the central government makes policy on the hoof with little idea what it entails for the immediate future. On its own the policy to be Carbon-zero by 2030 for London sounds great. Is it achievable? Well, I leave that for others to decide. For myself the answer is – Are you an idiot? The problem is again, making policy without little idea of the consequences. The calibre of politicians today leaves a lot to be desired. Mr Gove this very morning was trying to defend building a million homes. Yet again, and perhaps this is not just his policy or idea but here is another instance of a soundbite sounding brilliant to those who are waiting for a cheap home. Building homes though need loads of land and that has further implications down the line. For a start the procedure is NOT carbon neutral or even kind to the environment. There are problems associated also, such as water run-off, climate warming up even further and local infrastructure such as sewage, water and power provisions. All of which have great implications on the soil structure. 

Besides the greater use of local amenities, needs for work opportunities, shopping and leisure. An associated problem is that too many people who look for a ‘better’ life also want to be part of it, causing more immigration, legal or not. As the globe heats up and I do believe it is now unstoppable viz the increased fire risk and noted in southern Europe and Canada/USA and will only increase in ferocity. Causing even more emigration from afflicted areas. It is already quite possible that some areas are uninhabitable. Either due to prolonged droughts or annual fires. This will only increase. Is this to become our legacy? The inability to control our appetites? Appetites not just for food but others as well. Just ask those standing in the ever growing queues to go on a flight to their ‘holiday’, whether they consider the effect on the atmosphere due to excessive CO2 and other gases? Better not ask if you want to live a bit longer. Or ask anyone driving a car whether they would consider ditching it? For myself I have asked it and I am finding this quite difficult. 

How would we get the weekly shopping in? Not just because it is easier but it is also an hour or two out the house. Sort of entertainment, leisure activity. Or to move the family about on their various pursuits. A car of whatever make gives some freedom. Of course it was not always so, there were many local shops, local employment. Less people. And we did not live as long as we do now. I am certainly not advocating to kill off half the world’s population, I will leave that to the Chinese but even so we need better policies, better rules, achievable rules bearing in mind we need to work to earn a living and pay our bills. And all of that with global issues like warming foremost in our minds.


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