Not Mambo No.5 but Rant No.5...

Just in case you thought everything was settling down a bit, you could be wrong! Partygate is still in full swing and Boris is losing an item of clothing every time another court case starts. He is already in those knee-length pants he so likes and no socks. Then France nearly lost their freedom to rioters with Macron dancing the Lambada whilst the city was burning all around him. Wonderful, what a world we live in. At least it is not boring! And let’s not forget the continuing Christmas pantomime called ‘The Fairy Godmother’s Immigration’. The best show around with thousands of happy viewers or as they are called ‘partakers’. Dancing in the aisles in the knowledge of free housing and free wonga after the show. On top of all that we have here in the UK the wokest of all media set-ups, called the BBC. Fueled by an innate desire to appease every single opinion on this planet, apologising for every sneeze ever made since humanity appeared on the planet, it dishes up a mewling parody of what is called ‘The News’. We have political parties professing their long-held belief that women have penises and men can give birth. We have ‘Celebrities’ professing that all Tories are ‘scum’ and should be sent to the planet Mars aided and abetted by the very ‘impartial’ BBC. We have University students professing ‘Free Speech’ but it’s now turning out only their ‘Free Speech’, not yours.

It is quite simple, this country is slowly disintegrating thanks to a leaderless free-for-all with no-bodies vying with each other through digging up dirt, dirt that mostly happened in times gone by. No-one has picked up yet, least of all our (in)famous judiciaries, that opinions and society were somewhat different in the past and one should not be judged by standards that were then and are now completely different.

When you look at humanity, you see one overriding thing, the quest for money and power. It still happens today. If you want to see the effect, look at authoritarian regimes such as Russia and China but they are not the only ones. In one way democratic systems are not so far removed either except it is more hidden. Corruption is everywhere, even in the lowly poverty ridden Welsh Valley heartlands. The so-called ‘Brown-Envelope Charlies’ are alive and well.

Well, let’s be fair how could these poverty ridden developers make a living eh? Surely, you have to grease the wheels, what? How do factory managers get big clients? Ah, just ask the top restaurants and what is on their wine lists. Any electric cars on offer then? Indeed, so let’s not bang our fists on the collective chests, until we have sound, clean government and not led by any Tom, D*ck or Charlie (or named Boris, Rishi or Keir either) then perhaps we might turn onto a smooth paved tarmac road. The same goes for any other country. 

Edit: Wonga is UK slang for money. 


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