Hot action is chilling the blood and oh yes, the climate...

Not very often can you read proper political articles in a newspaper. Certainly not in a newspaper like the SUN unless of course the perpetrators are half dressed or not dressed at all or are wearing small bikinis. But on this day Douglas Murray became a guest columnist and a good one at that. He was talking about how we are facing problems with our politicians and leaders of large organisations, even our military being more interested in playing identity politics rather than facing up to the threats happening all over the world. In particular of course Russia and China. The Chinese are playing a game of appeasement through very cheap exports that we in the western nations have become so accustomed to that our own industries for such products has all but disappeared. Our political leaders don’t seem to have noticed China’s belligerence in the South China Sea, they don’t seem to have noticed the way Russia uses its soldiers as human cannon fodder and likely would do so in any conflicts further west. Whether our military leaders have had time to consider these threats either remains to be seen as they might be too busy trying to figure out how to address human beings. Our military jets might be flown soon by dark skinned dwarves who like to be addressed by their cat name and change their identity annually. 

I think there is no more doubt, Britain is on a steep decline curve of massive proportions. Our good and proper politicians cannot wait to resign. Mr Wallace has already thrown in the towel. Many others wont wait too long either. We will be left with half-cooked woke individuals with Mickey Mouse degrees from sub-standard universities arguing about what gender they would like to have and furthermore impose them on everybody else as well. If you would ask them where they thought China was situated they will come back with ‘Thank you for your interest in my undisputed world knowledge but I am busy at this moment to establish proper gender politics so that everyone will be happy’. Moreover I have watched quite a few quiz programs on TV, history and geography are absolute disasters. People have great difficulty with identifying countries of the world, where they are and what they are about. Some thought Venezuela was an Asian country next to Thailand. If that younger person uttering such astounding world knowledge and had been a politician it is no wonder we are in trouble. 

But you know, that is today’s reality! Rishi, time to don the mail shirt. Hoist up the steel helmet, swing the sword of state like Peggy! And weed out the incompetents and idiots. Get some sense because we are simply rudderless, bobbing about on a wild and stormy sea. Being sick to the stomach of all the governmental waste and stupid laws that benefit no-one and make all our lives a total misery. Sort it out before the coming election and you will deserve another 5 years. And, we would not have to suffer the most idiotic incompetent of all time agreeing with anybody, changing views at the drop of a hat. Thanks in anticipation.


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