Politicians forgetting we exist? No, really???

It has become evident, at least in my opinion, that politicians generally have forgotten they are responsible to their electors. It is shown in the various things they do and seemingly support. In my own area the Council does allow things to happen which are quite evident NOT the wishes of the general population. The main government ditto. It is all talk, talk and more talk and no action. Take the immigration problem. It has been going on for years, culminating in the boat problem. One would have thought it can be solved easily. Turn the boats back to France and tell them to apply properly and through the correct channels. But no, apparently faceless judges know differently. On top of that too many politicians listen too much to small pressure groups and woke activists. Even the police now rather dance in brightly clothes and kiss the protesters. One may ask what is the matter with our western, so-called democracy? In fact looking over the water you see the same performances there. Rutte the Dutch PM has fallen on his sword as he too just cannot seem to solve the problems besetting the Netherlands including immigration. As I speak and read Dutch I noted that in some areas immigrants have formed gangs that literally terrorize the area. The police in southern areas have to join trains because of gangs roaming the carriages. They did not say what for but you can guess, no? The facts are simple, through climate change and political upheaval in many part of the globe, Asia, the Middle-East and of course Africa, thousands if not millions, want a life they see daily on their village TV sets that western nations lead, i.e Europe and in particular the nation they all want to go to, Great Britain. On top of that they are told about the certainty of obtaining money and a house. In Britain’s case that is actually true although weakening I think. It is a problem that simply will not go away. Climate change will continue because there is very little that can be done. Most of humanity cannot or simply will not, change their attitudes or ways. We may see better transport measures, like more energy efficient engines and materials. We may plaster the available land here with wind turbines, in fact that’s exactly what we are in the process of doing, we may give up vast tracts of land to solar panels, just another thing we are beginning to do, viz Morocco. However, politicians might have noted the possible problems that are in the pipeline. Due to global warming the growing of crops like wheat can be severely impeded. Meaning starvation, especially in the poorer areas of the globe. This will also increase the willingness, even need, to emigrate! Already the British agricultural systems are under stress. Personally I noted in my own garden the stress plants are under. For instance, the gooseberry plants’ berries are just half the size they were in previous years. Salads have just turned limp and brown. The only things growing very well are weeds! Dandelions I now have by the million. Good grass for a perfect lawn has gone bye-bye and coarse grasses are taking over. Simple reality. But take heart because I believe that when politicians have finally found out who is guilty of Partygate and stopped accusing their dearest friends of sexual depravity there will be no longer any work for them, become bored and retire to the Falklands. Great idea, let’s help them before they change their minds!

By the way I have deleted my websites, tonyrefail-town.net and dutchenery.net no longer exist. So, the blogspot address is or will be in force. 'dutchenery.blogspot.com'. Obviously, not the astericses.


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