Say sorry and bend the knee, please!

According to the newspapers our beloved Minister of Defence has suggested that Ukraine should be more grateful for receiving weapons. Or rather express gratefulness. Which prompted a slightly acidic reply from the president Zelenski. On top of that Zelenski felt he had to sack his ambassador to the UK for getting into the furore. First of all Mr Wallace is a bit dim by all accounts, suggesting a whole country should express its gratitude? What else have they got to do? Oh, I know, ask President Zelenski to get on his knees in full view and profusely thank Mr Wallace for allowing some tanks and other equipment to be given to Ukraine. This should last for a full hour followed by a flower laying ceremony in Kiev in front of the UK Embassy. And that’s not all - Mr Wallace would be given the Legion of Honour with three stars. Oh, I forgot also to be given the freedom of all the cities in Ukraine.

What a load of tosh. I would expect more political nous from somebody like our Minister. By all accounts he knows what he is about but I am afraid on this occasion he missed the goal by a mile. Let’s be honest, the whole West is really involved in that we are witnessing the old ways of warmongering which was so prevalent in the 20th century. Viz World Wars One and Two. One of the obvious things that has been noted is that Russia has not really moved on. They are so enmeshed in the belief everyone is after them and want their land and money. On top of that the Russian nation is bedevilled by an incompetent government following much the last few centuries type of rule. Meaning totalitarian. It has also allowed unscrupulous individuals enriching themselves through what can only be described as corruptive dealings. I would never have believed that a president of the Russian nation, today can allow such state of affairs. It shows a total disregard of proper governance. Instead of enriching a nation for use by all its people and providing very good health provision, fulfilling and interesting work opportunities and looking for projecting its good values to the rest of the world, what have we ended up with? The Russian nation trying to obliterating another nation. And that for no particular gain or reason besides an ingrained belief it should have a bufferzone against the frivolous West. It seems sometimes this is an ingrained human trait. The belief it is continually threatened. Frankly, even the USA believes that. As I have mentioned a few times before, the West seems to need an enemy to warrant the expenditure and business of weapon research and manufacture. It doesn’t bode well for humanity’s longevity on the planet. One of the questions on Forums is – Why do we not see or hear from or about aliens? Well, if they are anything like us, there aren’t any. They have all but exterminated themselves long ago. And we are fast approaching that state as well.


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