NATO, a force for good? Well, eh...

How many times must it be said – Politics is a dirty business. No, I am not talking about staring at the deputy opposition’s legs when she crosses them during Prime Minister’s Question Time. I am talking about the Vilnius jolly known as THE NATO meeting of NATO meetings. Why? Because Sleepy Joe (as he is called from time to time) aka the POTUS (President of the United States), was in attendance. Not really to save the world from Russian aggression or to talk about Ukraine joining Nato before summer’s end but to have a drink of the purported excellent wine served there. Or was it vodka? Not sure. It just seems western nations are just yellow-bellies. WE no longer stand up for anything unless it is for money. Does any politician in the western world really care about global warming? Oh, really? Fool me, I must be punished for thinking such thoughts. Looking at it objectively how many private jets flew to convey a very few people? Airforce 1, the USA presidential private taxi, a gas guzzling monstrosity also was in the air to deliver the POTUS plus entourage, 6 tanks, 4 submarines, a dozen HIMARS and two million rounds of high velocity ammunition. Just to let you know, this was not for the Ukrainian or Lithuanian military but just to protect the POTUS. This is the guy who stated quite bluntly ‘I am Irish, f*ck the Brits’. To our King he managed to pat his back whilst saying ‘The relationship between our countries, is rock hard’. Did anyone look at his trousers? The only problem I think, he could not remember in which country he was.

All sarcasm apart, the whole NATO thing is actually absurd, most of the member countries don’t even pay the agreed 2% of GDP. Our lovely western nations, have continued to suck up to the most aggressive nation bar none, on the planet. The Russians are looking and watching with a smile on their faces, seeing how disorganised we actually are. Our social structures are all about money, position, power. Not just politicians either, we are all like that. I am an avid reader of history (seemingly a banned subject in our UK schools nowadays) and cannot help to see the similarity between our situation today and the last days of the Roman empire. Sexual immorality where anything went, just like today. A stark divide between the classes, just like today with the Haves and HaveNots. With barbaric tribes all amassing around the borders. Just like today. If you thought Russians are nice, think of Atilla the Hun and look at the similarity of thought and behaviour! But Russia also needs to recall how in the end Atilla just went down the nether regions where it is nice and hot. All in, I believe this NATO meeting was just a waste of time if they thought to solve some problems pertaining Ukraine’s membership. You know, as was said, ‘We must not aggravate Russia’. Probably the biggest b*llocks you will hear this year (hopefully). So, the POTUS will be back home as with all the other leaders, thinking what a nice job they’ve done. But quoting President Zelenskyy (proper spelling I hope) ‘I am embarrassed’. Yes, and so am I.


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