
Misinformation or just no information?

This sad morning about the Southport uprising – if that’s the right word. For those who have never heard of Southport, it’s a small conurbation on the Irish sea coast below Blackpool. I t seems t he riots are based on disinformation. The most terrible thing that can happen to families is their children being killed whilst enjoying a dance class. It occurred yesterday. But unfortunately on social media many more idiots put out an Islamic influence or plan. Result? Many police injured and in hospital. The Home Secretary, visibly angry stated how angry she was? But I don’t think she entirely understood the underlying problem in this country. It’s fine talking in London about diversity, gender equality and God knows what else they can come up with but in the shires, the wastes of Scotland and Wales, reality rules. That reality shows a growing resentment towards Islamic influence. No smooth talking politician can fight that, our Home Sec would be better off getting off her pedestal and

Snivelling little snowflakes? Who? Tell 'm Piers.

Oh l a, la, Piers Morgan is at it again. I do love it. He is having a go at a certain female British snowflake who once accepted an invitation to join Strictly Come Dancing. As a lot of commentators have already indicated – What do these celebrities expect? Sitting around talking about their latest play whilst drinking at least six cups of coffee? Having a chat about their latest boyfriend, or even how many orgasms they had? Come on people, a dance contest is one of the most gruelling exercises you can take part in. They include moves you would normally never do! You would be swung by your legs and rotating feet off the floor! Oh and of course there is that wonderful fee of thousands of pounds but obviously that is not what you are doing it for, is it? As Piers said in the Sun’s newspaper where you can read tittle-tattle like this to make your day more enjoyable – At the centre (of Strictly) lies a fundamental problem with modern-day society, we are now a nation of weak-willed, victi

Go home? But why?

Dos adre, Sais! These will be the words spoken in certain places in Wales – Go Home English! The point here is, as it is today in places within Spain, Italy and a lot of other tourism hot-spots, that unbridled tourism is detrimental to the local way of life, their chances of finding a place to live, their economy as prices rise far higher than what could be considered normal. In Wales there are seaside places where in winter you will only find dead cats. Why? There is nobody to feed them. Well, it might be a bit of an exaggeration but the point is still the same. Tourism, overdone tourism kills. It kills normal living. It ensures local young people move away. Just look at some of the shenanigans going on in the Mediterranean hot-spots. When thousands of British idiots, yes including young Welsh idiots, descend just to make a nuisance of themselves. Drinking alcohol to excess, sex in public, raucous noise they call music, urinating and defecating on the streets. These are the calling ca

The 'Curse of Strictly',

It i s rather interesting to see how the so-called ‘Strictly Curse’ is or rather has, developed into a rigmarole of gigantic proportions. It is not just about the ‘love’ triangles. Yo u know that as partners of the ‘professionals’ develop lust or love (take your pick) for them. That is not so strange as weeks of very, very close bodily contact has to be endured. There is another ‘curse’ as well as developments have shown. When professional dancers take the ‘slow’ take-up of lessons/training by their unfortunate ‘luvvies’ too serious and start spitting their venom or telling them they are not up to scratch and are overweight or something like that. Well, I can understand all of that, to some extent it is part of human behaviour. If you want to be the best you have to put the training in. Looking at these celebrities you might ask what did they expect? Sitting around talking, having cups of coffee? Photo opportunities? Here is the crux of the matter, what does the BBC department, th

The world is a funny place, but is it?

Politicians funny? They sure are, at least in America. The prospective Republican Vice President, I say prospective because the election hasn’t happened yet. He said he believed the UK to be the first Islamist country to hold nuclear weapons. Funny? Well, it depends how you look at it. I am not a white supremacist but let’s be brutally honest we have too many Islamic fundamentalists now in our country and over there . And they are still coming. It is because we still elect politicians who have a warped view of society. They think everybody that comes has the best intentions to work hard and make a success of themselves. Sure, a minority do but the far greater majority does not. They do not assimilate or integrate and in the end become a liability we can do nothing about. Even those that get elected to serve the various devolved governments do seem to have a warped view. It is the ‘western’ problem. We tend to think everybody is like us, should be like us but let me say this straight

Patriotism? Let's have it!

What happened to patriotism? Are we no longer proud to be a British citizen? What are the thoughts behind all of that? For myself I am incredibly proud to be a British citizen, in fact a Welsh citizen. Wales being a part of the United Kingdom. I will go further, I am incredibly proud to be a white citizen. White because I was born in a northern country, the Netherlands. I am a Christian, yes I have my problems with that from time to time because like with our politicians, the various leaderships have got it into their heads that we should be multi-cultural. Unfortunately in some cases that means we should be an Islamic country with sharia law. Obviously they will all invariably deny it but the reality shows different. Our youth is taught in schools something they call ‘diversity’. They mumble on about ‘everybody is equal’ which in reality has created many different streams within the same society. Muslims tend to congregate within cities, viz London, Leeds, Bradford etc and now due to

Difficult times? You bet...

Thinking the world is not in a difficult situation? Actually, a dire situation? Everywhere you can hear the sabres rattling. NATO has decided to allow Ukraine into the fold, sooner or later, culminating in China not being very happy. We know Russia’s stance but frankly we need to stand up to these belligerent autocratic nations if we value our democratic way of life. OK, it isn’t perfect but at least we can change our governments as was shown here in the UK not so long ago. We now have a left of centre stance instead of right of centre. It won’t alter the general outlook of the nation. The problems are still the same. Frankly, it is believed no political party has any real ideas about how to tackle them. As far as defence goes, we have so denuded our armed forces that even generals have woken up to the fact and are now issuing dire warnings about WW3. The truth is if a nation has not enough to defend itself it invites someone else to come and take. Autocratic nations only know one thi