Difficult times? You bet...

Thinking the world is not in a difficult situation? Actually, a dire situation? Everywhere you can hear the sabres rattling. NATO has decided to allow Ukraine into the fold, sooner or later, culminating in China not being very happy. We know Russia’s stance but frankly we need to stand up to these belligerent autocratic nations if we value our democratic way of life. OK, it isn’t perfect but at least we can change our governments as was shown here in the UK not so long ago. We now have a left of centre stance instead of right of centre. It won’t alter the general outlook of the nation. The problems are still the same. Frankly, it is believed no political party has any real ideas about how to tackle them. As far as defence goes, we have so denuded our armed forces that even generals have woken up to the fact and are now issuing dire warnings about WW3. The truth is if a nation has not enough to defend itself it invites someone else to come and take. Autocratic nations only know one thing, how to stay in power and ruthlessly so and how to play the world stage using any means including genocide.

So watch what will happen. Europe will be set aflame before too long, most likely conventionally, that is to say non-nuclear unless smaller battlefield stuff will be used. If we let Russia re-arm or replenish its armed forces or let China carry on its stance in the Pacific arena. Both autocratic regimes are trying hard setting-up an alliance with like-minded nations against western influence. Very recently even the largest democratic nation India, went to Russia, probably for more oil at a very cheap price. We certainly need to sort out our problems and quickly before others come knocking on our door or bashing it in.


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