Woe unto thee....dear citizen

Is this year the year when the traditional centrist parties are taking a very cold bath? It seems so looking at France’s woes. It could also be a warning to other countries with the same sort of predicament. If I was Starmer I would not take a big win for granted. The electorates are pretty fed up with the continuing talking the talk without the action. If I was Putin I would now be waiting in anticipation of both western Europe beginning a time of social upheaval inclusive of financial uncertainty, or even a far-right movement which he would be comfortable with despite nazi overtones. And secondly Putin would anticipate a glorious win in Ukraine, this coupled to a projected win for Trump in the USA this coming winter.

Worrying? Well, that depends how you would look at it. The world as has been clearly visible is tottering on a calamity of gigantic proportions. Humanity is suffering from not being able to control its existence properly. This shows in the behaviour of many nations. Belligerence, aggressiveness, continuing to try to be the chief dog. This has created a type of politician that basically as soon as elected or even taken power by force, has distanced themselves from the populace. Making decisions that generally broadly speaking, do not benefit the nation’s population. One can see this clearly in the UK. One thing that is noticeable is that aforementioned politicians do rather well in looking after themselves. This sort of governance seems now under threat. Unfortunately, what it will be replaced by might well be worse!

For myself, although a member of a political nationalist party, Plaid Cymru, I might NOT vote for it. Why? Many people view a certain gentleman, loud, in your face Mr Nigel Farage as a probable fresh breeze. I tend to agree. He, judging by his words and previous results can be a politician that gets things done. He is one of those people able to get others up from their seats and do something. The question is however, when they are going to do something let’s hope it is the right thing! Comparing him to others like Sir Davey, surely you gotta laugh? The only thing Sir Davey seems to be good at is making an absolute spectacle of himself. Imagine him being PM, making a decision about the Navy or Post Office (!) whilst hanging upside down from a crane trying to do a Bungee Jump or be seen doing a bit of Grandpa Zumba dancing!

Nice! It’s not squeaky bum time but as the Sun newspaper said Squeakeeee PM time!

Watch this space next Thursday! Probably we will have to dig Sir Ed up from his trying to break the world record for staying in a coffin underground for a month! If he did that I would vote for him and say a few nice words!

Ed: Well, stuff me full of Swedish IKEA meatballs - Labour did win and not only just that, a big, big win. Thanks to our First-Past-The-Post system. Whilst only trousering about 30% of the votes they managed a stonking majority of over 400 seats? Whilst the Reform party with 15% of the votes had 4 seats (or 5). How can that be called REPRESENTATIVE?


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