Misinformation or just no information?

This sad morning about the Southport uprising – if that’s the right word. For those who have never heard of Southport, it’s a small conurbation on the Irish sea coast below Blackpool. It seems the riots are based on disinformation. The most terrible thing that can happen to families is their children being killed whilst enjoying a dance class. It occurred yesterday. But unfortunately on social media many more idiots put out an Islamic influence or plan. Result? Many police injured and in hospital.

The Home Secretary, visibly angry stated how angry she was? But I don’t think she entirely understood the underlying problem in this country. It’s fine talking in London about diversity, gender equality and God knows what else they can come up with but in the shires, the wastes of Scotland and Wales, reality rules. That reality shows a growing resentment towards Islamic influence. No smooth talking politician can fight that, our Home Sec would be better off getting off her pedestal and for once do something constructive.

I am afraid to think we will see many more of such outcomes. On this occasion overshadowing a very incredibly sad happening. The slaughter of innocent children out on a lovely day. I also think in this day of information glut, social media and more, it seems silly to not give full information. In the case of absence of details, some people will just make up their own. Some will use it as a vehicle to start mayhem on behalf of some political views or religion.

The Home Secretary ought to realise the state of the nation. The incredible pressures now building up. When I look at her, and I am sure she is a good person, she has no stature, no commanding look. She is no soldier but is trying to act as one to no avail. Shaking your head in anger whilst being interviewed does just not do it.

Now, the new government is only a few weeks old, it sounded good but slowly all the old typical political claptrap is surfacing. I had hoped Labour had learned their lessons in their wilderness years but I am afraid they will just get into the old way of doing their bits. It seems social sciences have not bit the dust yet. Actually, there is little wrong with social sciences as long as they are applied properly and not harnessed by political views. Perhaps too much to ask in this country. About the only way to start that ball rolling is to sack all University lecturers in the Arts fields and appoint Eskimos. These know more about life and how to live in adverse conditions.

Anyway, we now must face the problem that is Southport. The underlying problem. Whether that can be solved, I don’t know. Human proclivity when facing problems is to fight. Lash out uncontrollably. It is what a certain past politician,Enoch Powell, said – This problem will not go away, it will grow and in the end blood will flow on the streets. Just to say here, we have just witnessed it.

Ed: Regarding the riot itself, if now appears orchestrated. We will have to wait to find out more.


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