Snivelling little snowflakes? Who? Tell 'm Piers.

Oh la, la, Piers Morgan is at it again. I do love it. He is having a go at a certain female British snowflake who once accepted an invitation to join Strictly Come Dancing. As a lot of commentators have already indicated – What do these celebrities expect? Sitting around talking about their latest play whilst drinking at least six cups of coffee? Having a chat about their latest boyfriend, or even how many orgasms they had? Come on people, a dance contest is one of the most gruelling exercises you can take part in. They include moves you would normally never do! You would be swung by your legs and rotating feet off the floor! Oh and of course there is that wonderful fee of thousands of pounds but obviously that is not what you are doing it for, is it?

As Piers said in the Sun’s newspaper where you can read tittle-tattle like this to make your day more enjoyable – At the centre (of Strictly) lies a fundamental problem with modern-day society, we are now a nation of weak-willed, victimhood-wallowing, snivelling little snowflakes.  

Yeah, tell ‘m Piers, that is how you make friends. But yes, he’s right. I too have mentioned this before. When you have educationalists, teachers and such, teaching this type of crap under various names amongst those for instance, diversity, racial equality, gender equality and more and politicians for fear of being thought of as ‘weak’, agreeing wholeheartedly, then you will arrive at the situation we see today. That is when weak persons like Piers mentioned, take up the cudgel and start whining about their treatment. Taking any chance to promote their views, whether real or not so real in the hope to create a broad acceptance of their problems. 

Even ‘tough’ guys seem to have a go at this self-pitying claptrap. Apparently Piers said that a certain crocodile lover, tried to explain how he was ‘bullied’ by Ola Jordan. Hahahaha. I would LOVE to be bullied by Ola Jordan any day or night of the week. Do I smell a need for money here? A guy who experienced the incredible rigours of the jungle days and weeks long is bullied? It is the best joke I have heard for some time! In all of this I smell something though – I smell a definite attempt to use social media and daily newspapers to increase these people’s profile and what is known as, ‘cashing in’. The picture shown, shows it all in detail.

I would have one word for the BBC, or rather a few words – Stop asking ‘snowflakes’ to take part. If not possible because all entertainers are of similar natures? Then issue new contracts with the words ‘Only if you die in the process will we consider bearing the cost of your funeral’. Yep that’ll do it. And sorry Steve, I might not look at your new fighting salt water crocodiles without laughing my head off. It might be totally FAKE. Perhaps you should consider not using A.I?


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