Patriotism? Let's have it!

What happened to patriotism? Are we no longer proud to be a British citizen? What are the thoughts behind all of that? For myself I am incredibly proud to be a British citizen, in fact a Welsh citizen. Wales being a part of the United Kingdom. I will go further, I am incredibly proud to be a white citizen. White because I was born in a northern country, the Netherlands.

I am a Christian, yes I have my problems with that from time to time because like with our politicians, the various leaderships have got it into their heads that we should be multi-cultural. Unfortunately in some cases that means we should be an Islamic country with sharia law. Obviously they will all invariably deny it but the reality shows different. Our youth is taught in schools something they call ‘diversity’. They mumble on about ‘everybody is equal’ which in reality has created many different streams within the same society. Muslims tend to congregate within cities, viz London, Leeds, Bradford etc and now due to overpopulation are moved westward where they do not immerse themselves within the local society. I believe I have mentioned this before – there is a definite attempt to subjugate our western society. The people that come in have no intention to change to our western lifestyles. They have come to bring their own opinions, their ways, their methods and simply wish to change this nation, this Britain into the sort of land they came from but without the poverty. As someone mentioned in the social media world - They want to turn the UK into the same s*it hole they came from. It is sad to view those whom we have elected being so ignorant of the problems it has created.

Are people like Geert Wilders, the Dutch leader of the largest party(!) a sign not all is hunky-dory? Are people like him so wrong? I am sure he also would say there is nothing wrong with immigration persé but what is wrong is assimilation, integration? Plus that unbridled immigration is a recipe for disaster. Just look at the overcrowded cities in France, Paris, Marseille. Look at how Amsterdam has changed. And not just there, all western countries have the same problems. Our politicians all seem to have the same outlook. A one-sided view of what Utopia is. Perhaps it is time to send them all to a course that explores the real workings of the human mind. Plus to ask Mr Putin and Mr Xi Jinping to be two of the lecturers. Besides all that, it is sad to see our western leaders so comatose. How the United States can tolerate a president so unequivocally unfit is beyond me. Plus the challenger is even more unfit to lead, immersed in numbers of legal cases, rightly or wrongly. Where has it all gone whoopee? What is wrong with us that we allow it? We just had a general election in the United Kingdom, and the most unfit party that has led us for the past decade finally bit the dust. Now we have the opposite, more leftish views. But these as well have their problems. One of them is they do not seem to know the biological difference between the sexes. It is a problem they have because they feel the need to pander to small minorities that have a big mouth and the will to disrupt society. It is called being ‘WOKE’. Again, politicians are allowing changes to the western society in the name of ‘Look, we are keeping the peace’. In fact, they are sowing the seeds of the next civil war or even the next total war when countries like Iran or even the Saudi empire, feel they have to defend the ‘rights’ of the believers. If you think I am talking ‘b*ll*cks, have a look at history. The Christian faith was not that much different in its outlook during the Middle Ages.

If we have made laws, yes? Then everyone must follow these, it is therefore time to develop a base, a Constitution. Not the mishmash we have in the UK, called I think, Case law.

Yep, some opinions here, I hasten to add these are mine but I also believe are held by a majority of UK citizens. So let’s hear about and from them more!


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