
Educational woes?

Now that most of the GCSE’s are over, we may safely say, Wales was a disaster. Actually the whole of the UK was a disaster. For untold years now Labour run councils and others have meddled in education. The results are dour but today the woke brigade have got their mildew mittens into it. To be fair the handling of the Covid shutdowns by the Conservatives viz Boris Partyman Johnson led by even dimmer medics did not do much good for education. Actually it collapsed. A very fair question needs asking – Where will our scientists come from? Or are we all going to become mediocre artists? Well, I suppose selling crap will still give a tax return. But who will be able to afford it? Even my own family, those who are teachers are beginning to say, the system has collapsed. Estyn are not proper investigators anymore but early retired head-teachers out for an easy retirement. Obviously, there are still some well-informed proper thinking teachers but these can now be counted on the fingers of

Do we really understand our adversaries?

Having read one of the Telegraph’s articles, the ones that are sent called Top Stories on mobiles, named ‘Putin will soon turn his war machine on Britain’ , I wasn’t sure whether to start packing my belongings or laugh uproariously. It was attributed to Ben Wallace , a former Secretary for Defence, so it must be taken seriously. Looking at the article at first one can easily dismiss it as a bit of fanciful drivel, much like loads of other ‘ Telling you what is going to happen’ stuff. Obviously most does not, will not happen or are just fancy personal emanations of deep-seated fear of the unknown. Whatever, I wouldn’t think someone like Sir Ben would succumb to such fear. So, I read the article again and picked up the psychological slant on meetings with people who have had little discourse or meetings with opponents in foreign climes. People like Gerasimov, Shoigu for instance. What I picked up was the insular thinking by the Russian leadership. But these are the people who decide or

The luminaries are at it - yet again!

My oh my, here we go again! Listening to this morning’s BBC News programme we had this Labour luminary trying to explain why they have taken away the winter payments from most pensioners. Interestingly she continued with the usual political claptrap. These dastardly Conservatives having left the country bare and in a complete mess during fourteen years of mismanagement. Yeah, tell ‘m baby. Obviously the present Labour government has people that show a wonderful lighted ring above their heads. I must say, I am impressed by the continuing stupidity of politicians. It never seems to end! There has to be some school somewhere teaching these twits to come up with such banal sayings. Plus, they are told like Hitler was told by Goebbels, tell ‘m lies long enough and they’ll believe ‘m. This is how low Britain has sunk. We no longer are looking seriously at what is needed for the future, we are just making decisions on the spur of the moment. Disregarding needs, disregarding or not even knowin

Why bother to come? Things here are no better...

The flow of migrants to western Europe continues unabated. Whilst already plenty is known about the stresses put upon the various governments, we only have to look at the UK to see that in all its colourful but painful existence. T he facts are it denudes the many countries these people come from. Looking at the number of young, mainly men, coming in hundreds of inflatable dinghies. O ne wonders how this actually will impact the very countries they come from? Plus the enormous sums of money leaving those countries? The money charged for these ‘trips’ runs into the thousands. The gangs operating are in the western countries, France for instance or Belgium, so I suspect money does not go back to those African or Asian countries the refugees are coming from . However, it seems that when immigrants finally find work, usually low paid, some money is sent back to family. The question needs asking, who actually benefits? It seems it is only the criminal gangs. Immigrants themselves unless

Why? It's the question , my dear PM.

Who doesn’t love Julia Hartley-Brewer? I think every hot-blooded male under 60 years of age does and quite a few of the over 75s as well. As a commentator par exellence she was spot on in the Sun newspaper today (23rd August) by pointing out basically the conundrum that is immigration. That is, ALL immigration. But to be specific she pointed out the government’s actions or in-actions over this issue. For myself I have long postulated the intransigence of politicians but Julia simply stated ‘Are they lying to us, lying to themselves or do they think we’re all stupid’? Yes, that is exactly what they are about. All politicians, for some reason or other, continually tell us ‘We will stop the boats, we will stop immigration’, blah, blah, blah. But the truth is they do not really want to do it. So, the question is why? What can be gained? Well, cheap labour, mostly unqualified labour so if they find a job it means they’ll get paid in peanuts. Then there is a social plan afoot that most of us

What IS happening in the UK?

We certainly have been and still are, very busy prosecuting about everybody who walked the streets protesting about something or the other. Also those who have spouted some very unpopular stuff about other people. Yet nothing is done about the source of these problems, the continuing flow of illegals, the non-policing of the web companies or indeed, proper government control. As usual in this country we continue to punish the results, not the causes. It will take some time to get this sorted out. In the meantime those who have received stiff jail sentences will probably not sit out these extraordinary sanctions for the full time. The continuing mantra heard is, ‘it is all the fault of the ‘far right’ . Yet another soundbite to put to bed a problem. What is the ‘far-right? Indeed, what is the ‘far-left’? What government people mean to say is these are the more aggressive parts of the political spectrum. Well yes, Labour should know all about it, they have their own, it is called ‘Moment

The mantra is 'Build, build, build!

The m antra today, the political mantra that is, appears to be – 'affordable housing'. Sounds good doesn’t it? Well, at least it will sound good for those looking for a home, house or flat, which they can afford. The new Labour government and it was the mouthpiece, the deputy PM who stated unequivocally, ‘We will be building millions of new homes all across the country within three years’. Absolutely bl**ding brilliant. I am applauding. Hey wait, are there any thoughts on this? Has the government researched this properly? Or is it as per the usual government action, a lovely soundbite? Let’s assume they will do what they said they will do. First, the land, where will they be built? Londonistan is full and the land around the city is needed for recreation. They are not going to build on Hampstead Heath. Birmingham and other larger cities similarly, so they will as already indicated compulsory take land. It is not quite clear whether this will include ‘Green Belt’ land but I wou