Building more houses? Who said that...

The Royal Family has always been a stabilising factor in the life of the United Kingdom. Without it as it has been over the years, this country would not be a world power (although recently world power is a big word with little meaning). But respective failures of the governments  since WW2 have left this island devastated in many ways. Financial and social just to name two. Therefore it is sad to read Prince William, the one of Wales moniker, making a blunder of some proportions. Yes, it sounds as he has joined the fraternity of Word Salad purveyors. He joined on to the Gold Coach or better the bandwagon, of meaningless cr*p. I am sure he is a well-meaning person but by uttering these word salads he is in danger of being lampooned. So, what he has been saying is that homelessness should be eradicated. Yes, indeed and how is that to be done? Ah, he himself is giving up some land in Cornwall to build houses. Indeed. That by itself seems simple and effective but is it? How many houses are needed to alleviate homelessness in this country? Have a guess! With the influx of immigrants added to the already resident homeless people we need thousands if not millions of houses. Some experts are saying it means building two or three whole new cities! 

So, the problem is not so much our ability to build houses but the availability of land to build on! The population of the UK is nearing 70 million and rising sharply. It is expected that 80 or even 90 million, will be attained before we reach 2035! It is not strange to say that viewing the numbers coming in that are basically looking for a home and work. Coupled with that is the NHS’ inability to serve such numbers. As such the pressure on our natural habitats, those that are left, is growing day by day. Personally I would never have thought that our green belt would be in the firing line. But unfortunately it is. You will notice planning committees of our Councils are passing applications left, right and centre. Locally I believe the RCT council has lost all sense of proportion. The results are for all to see. Yes, houses are built but the infrastructure needed lags far behind. 

It is alright for people with loads of cash and privilege to utter the obvious words of ‘We must build houses’, the truth is that in the end, as you can see in the western Netherlands, we will end up with an unending sea of houses, no space to relax and a nightmare society. So many times depicted in Doomsday movie scenarios. It is sad to see a person of high stature getting embroiled in a situation of which he surely is not really aware except jumping on the bandwagon of perceived need. For myself I can also see that housing in the UK is a problem. In fact anyone can. There has been a shortage ever since humans set foot on this island. As always, easy solutions like building more and more houses is not the answer. So can we thank Prince William for giving up his land, I just hope there will still be some room for recreational purposes. We will know before too long whether this was a good move.


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