Two problems only, well it is a start...

There are two very interesting things going on right now in the UK. Probably in the rest of the crazy western world as well. That is the case of gender identity and the increasing water problem. The gender identity is something that ‘normal’ people do not understand. So, they tend to dismiss it as not really important. I don’t really understand it except to say that those people I know who are gay, some of which tend to want to express their ‘gaiety’ through the wearing of silly clothing with some rainbow tinted imagery. Besides that I feel that a lot of twenty somethings just take the proverbial p*ss and have a little party protesting just for the sake of it. It surely has reached a ridiculous state when schoolgirls want to be known henceforth as a cat. Piers Morgan in one of his excellent articles pointed out just such a case from a school in the vicinity of London. Now, London is a hotbed of idiocy anyway but now the twenty somethings and younger have started to identify by anything of 40 different genders. I just wonder how this will develop as there surely is a big cost involved. Addressing people by their gender , I think HMRC has nightmares already. I go along with Piers who indicated it is time to call a halt. A girl is a girl, a boy is a boy. I don’t care what anyone else says I should believe. When my children were born and I was in attendance, my daughter looked like a girl, I didn’t call out ‘Hurrah, we have a new cat”! When my son was born I didn’t plaster the hospital with LBGT+ symbols or wore a rainbow coloured shirt. My friend who is a policeman did not dance the Conga either. He just gave me a nice card in Welsh congratulating the birth. The other thing that bothers me is how in all blazes have teachers got this in their head that it is important to outline everyone’s identity? Do they have parades in the morning? Cats to the left and ITS to the right! There are unisex toilets in school now and frankly most of the girls are becoming quite ill because they are holding out, refusing to use the toilets because the boys have piddled over the seats and floor. Thank you Ma’am, nice! I wonder what Universities teach nowadays. One thing is certain, the age of British innovation, scientific achievements is virtually over. We now have educated just a bunch of nitwits to be better nitwits.

The other thing bothering me is the weather. Yes, it is quite nice here thank you, a bit dry at the moment and very little rain. In fact far less than the usual for June. So, probably a sign of things to come as the planet heats up. But it also means the pressure to leave the dried up African plains will become an almost unstoppable exodus. Our politicians who continue to argue about their sexual adventures are seemingly blissfully unaware of the impending disaster to befall Western Europe including the UK. Anyone in Africa and great swathes of Asia, all have the same goal, to get to the UK as quick as possible. There are reasons for that, one is language and the other is the known ease of obtaining money and housing. They call that in the moniker of ‘I just want a better life’. Well, don’t we all. I don’t blame them for trying.But you see our sex starved MPs ought to be aware of the incredible pressures immigration brings with it. Not just in the UK, France, Italy have as well. I originally come from the Netherlands and the problem thanks to their lackadaisical attitude is even bigger than ours in the UK. The absence of borders in the EU is facilitating this influx. Eight billion people presently on this planet, two billion live in abject poverty and millions are destitute and on the move. Well, I cannot see an end to these problems, perhaps as I read somewhere we need to move to an authoritarian regime in order to get things done. Nice prospect, isn’t it? Watch Bojo flexing his muscles. In other words Putin Bojo! Get the pun? Oh, come on!


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