Viewing the Ukrainian disaster

Anyone absolutely certain what is happening in the Ukraine? I suppose we all know there is a war going on, although the good Russians are calling it a special military operation. Like that makes it any different. From my point of view it just seems that the lowest human behaviour is on show. Meaning plain destruction. Destruction of property, infrastructure. About just everything. The Russians are applying their age-old doctrine, total destruction of property and people. Like the Mongols of old, they intend to just run over the land leaving nothing in their wake but rubble and graves. It is the age old human disease, to acquire possessions, power and influence over other humans wherever they may be.

So, we have been reading and assimilating all the news about it but for myself I am aware that lots of it is either just plain propaganda (most of it from the Russian side) or fake. I am no military expert or a tactical genius but even I can see from the maps and the happenings on the ground that the Russian army is in disarray. Their tactics rely almost singularly on numbers of soldiers or rather untrained conscripts, and artillery barrages. Obviously there is some advantage in that the soldiers are out of range of the ‘enemy’ for most of the time. However, newer western style weapons now are beginning to make an impact on this Russian tactic.

The propaganda war is also increasing with the incredible destruction of the dam, Russia claiming it was the Ukrainians. Anyone looking at that claim can notice immediately the inconsistencies in that claim. Russian controlled territory, separated by kilometres of river and lake (reservoir). Plus the charges were placed underground so there would have to be quite some time to do all that. And all of that with guards walking about? Or were the Russians completely asleep? Or drunk on vodka? It is just laughable and tragic all at the same time. The Russian policy is becoming like the old scorched earth policy. If we have to go we will leave nothing of any use behind and destroy everything else.

If that is Russia today then I go along with everybody else who thinks they do not deserve to exist. Not to exist in a world that tries hard to live in peace and with some harmony between peoples as well. I along with others hoped that trading with clever people like the Chinese would heave them out of their Middle Ages lifestyles and attitudes. To some extent we have failed. The Chinese are better off financially, mostly due to their rapid urbanisation and the Western likes for cheap plastic toys and cheap electronic gadgetry but being such a large and diverse country, consisting of many different tribes the authoritarian system seems to be the only one to hold the state together. The same in the Russian state. But by being so, the top stream of society becomes very rich and want to keep it that way at all costs and the general population just exists on a day to day basis. Our western politic decision making must take heed and respond in the appropriate manner. Whether militarily or otherwise I am not qualified to say but respond we must.


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