Govern? Why? There is no need, is there?

Waking up this morning and yes, the sun is still shining. Sure, it is a bit on the dry side and as per the usual the threat to the hose and watering can looms large! Already in South-east England, Kent in particular is facing such a ban. As is normal, everybody is up in arms about it. Looking at it a bit more objectively, is it the fault of the water company? Sure, they must bear some responsibility, under-investment is one of them. It seems the managerial sickness in Britain, to let things just get along, sort of the old saying - “It’ll be alright on the night, Jack” is well and good established in the UK. The younger people are in the main more interested in what Beyonce wears when she gets up out of bed or what that wonderful TV extravaganza ‘Love Island’ has come up with. Yep, all very important. I am not in favour of living in a Nanny state, where government do-gooders decide how we must live and what job to do. But surely our governmental wallahs must decide some rules? At the moment just about everything is in limbo. Instead of having a good look at the water companies and trying to find a solution to our waste water and sewage problems, they are more interested in fighting each other. Even in the same political party! This country has suffered this now nearly for the last two years. It seems that there is such a thing as optimum time for a political party to govern. It looks like it is 7 years. After that everything goes belly-up. The honoured MPs are more interested in personal advancement than in properly looking at thousand page reports on why the rivers are so polluted or why the fish seem to have disappeared. Lawyers are running amok over about anything, as long as there is a pound or two to fleece out of everyone elses’ pocket. Simply because no-one in government gives a damn. As long as they can debate why the deputy opposition leader crosses her legs just when the Prime wallah gets up to speak. Well, why not, she has some beautiful pins. Better than mine. Surely, a malaise, no? Question is, will it be any better when at the next general election the Cons are sent to the landfill site? I doubt it because the present opposition, the Labour party, does not seem to know how to handle the opportunity so easily given to them. It shows at Prime Minister’s Question Time. Basically an hour of taking potshots at each other, sometimes on a personal level. It looks like we are in for another couple of years of non-government and blatant in-fighting when the rivers are now just open sewers, the MPs will have voted themselves 25% salary increases and upped Income Tax by 2.5% plus all inheritances will go to the State and insurance tax will go up to 10%. And would you accept what I say could well be the thin edge of the wedge? It could be and possibly might well be the situation in Britain for the coming years

But enough of politics, what about the impending phone switch-off to occur in 2025? Well, BT wants to cut all the copper cables and go up in the air. Either that or use fibre cables. In other words, phone calls to be routed along the Internet. I can already hear the hacker fraternity salivating at the thought! So, as I actually possess a powerful router already I checked whether it could do that, and yes it can. Either with an adapter and then just plugging my normal phone in or get VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phones. I managed to get a VOIP phone to try it all out and found (obviously) you need an account with a provider. I suppose it has to be regulated. It is quite inexpensive. So, after installation and the account set-up it works very well. Cost of the line is only £1 monthly. Calls are something like 1p a minute. One thing you have to be careful about is, it does not allow Emergency calls.  999 calls are not answered unless you register it but it is a bind. I don’t trust BT to do the right thing, I believe this switch-over will be costly to the consumer. Lastly, this is exactly the sort of thing the government needs to debate and better, to sort it out promptly and correctly. So, Keir instead of telling Rishi he is a rice muncher, get on with it and sort that out.


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