Ungovernable? You bet we are...

Britain has become ungovernable. Or at least it has with the people now governing it. Every day now we hear about more MPs who have fallen foul of the law. Sexual depravity is rife in the hallowed halls of power. Perhaps rife is a big word and these activities are not as numerous as the word suggests, nevertheless there are too many. Let’s be fair. what are MPs for? I think these people need to ask that question themselves! Take Boris, I am sure he is a hoot in the pub. But Prime Minister? I believed he could be but how wrong can you be? I think there is now a belief that anyone can put themselves up to govern, in the belief that it is well-paid with plenty of goodies along the way. And all you have to do is shout ‘Hear, hear’ a few times on a Wednesday. Too many of the 650 MPs have little idea what goes on in Britain, let alone the world. Today those that shout loudest get a hearing and not only just a hearing, get some action as well. See the ongoing Oil protests, glueing themselves on anything they can get hold of, look at the woke students of our hallowed universities! Instead of promoting free speech, they just aim to shut anyone down who has the temerity to have another view. It doesn’t bode well for the future. 

People like myself are looking for people who can lead. Not for idiots who think they can. Starmer is just such an example. No ideas which shows in his continual changing of what he thinks is important on the day. Tomorrow he has another and the previous’ day ‘deeply’ held faith is now the Tories’ fault. A man for all seasons, whatever you want him to be. Take your pick. That is to say also that the rest is not much better. Rishi is still pussyfooting around the immigration problem. Forget the government solving this, it is impossible. The only way is to turn the boats back and say publicly that no immigration that way is allowed or possible. 

It cannot be done by this or any other government. Too many woke idiots have infiltrated the hallowed green leather. Just listen to Nandy and Co and others on the other side plus the wonderful Liberal leader. They haven’t a clue what a woman is. Apparently Ed believes a woman is a creature with a penis. I had to look in the mirror this morning where mine has got to. But I can report it is alive and well. So, I am not a woman evidently. Or I could be according to the Liberals. Or I could be all of them. Non-binary, trans, oh what the heck, I am a dog. At least I don’t have to listen to the runts that grunt. It still leaves the question about proper government. Wherever you look in the world there are these problems with behaviour by people whom we have entrusted to look after us. But we are treated as milking cows. It’s deplorable but quite evident. Ungovernable? Well, ask the government what it is supposed to do. If you get an answer, please let me know because I haven't a clue...


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