More universe stuff before you go to sleep...

The concept of space and existence is very interesting as mentioned in a previous post, only we could debate this for days and nights on end and still not come to a definite conclusion. You only have to listen to the many eminent learned people to find that there are at least a dozen different ideas about what space, the universe, and also the Universe, what it is. Some have postulated ideas coupled with wonderful theories, matched with acres of mathematical formulae. Brilliant stuff. The facts are simple enough. We are here, the solar system is quite visible, we can see the stars, we know a bit how it is all working. But that so far is all we have. The physical side of the universe we are beginning to unravel, there is a long way to go. But there is, as far as I am concerned a metaphysical side to the universe as well. Wikipedia puts it as follows: Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality, including the first principles of: being or existence, identity and change, space and time, cause and effect, necessity, and possibility. A bit of a mouthful but if you just read the first 13 words then it becomes quite clear what it is about. The space all around us, if space is the right word in this context, as the limitless bit in which we find ourselves. Inclusive of all the planets, stars, galaxies. Basically all the matter of whatever nature. In that space we are infinitely small bits of matter floating in an apparent limitless sea.

The problem is mainly one of how to make sense of all the theories, some of which oppose others or even contradict the thought there is an universe at all. I think it is a human trait to try to figure out how it all works, how it all came about. From the Big Bang, to a Big Whimper or even none of either Bang or Whimper but an oscillating universe. The oscillating theory means the universe we live in is not limitless but curved. Meaning all travel will eventually arrive back at where you started from. Or it is flat. That means it is limitless. For people like myself it stops there. The maths is beyond us and the idea of quantum theory is way beyond our pay grade. 

I do like however, Prof Khalili explanations, simply because he does explain the various ideas in a straightforward and simple manner. There is no mention of yard long mathematical formulae but more graphical interpretation of the ideas. For instance the ideas of size and distance in the universe. Every time I write ‘universe’ I mean the space we see and live in including the notion that there might be quite a bit outside of it. Universe with a capital u, I tend to use meaning the idea of a limitless thing. Known as the flat Universe.  

Well, whatever, we are some way from solving even that question. What is interesting is to work out what the smallest is. We have molecules (a few atoms of two or more elements, for instance like water – HO, two atoms of hydrogen combined with one of oxygen), then atoms (a single atom would be the smallest part of an element such as iron), and not so long ago scientist found that atoms consist of protons, neutrons and electrons and these in turn consist of quarks. 

Have I left anything out, is there smaller stuff not yet defined? It all seems to belong together very nicely indeed. The smallest is akin to the largest. There are definite steps from small to big. I know one thing for certain, we might be part of a minescule bit and what is outside is beyond our knowledge or science. Meaning the universe is part of a incredible massive entity. The Hindus think of it as, we are simply the hair on a dog. But then the dog is part of something bigger again. I must take some paracetamol and lie down!


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