
THe UK a laughing stock? Noooh, really?

Can anyone tell me why the UK has become a laughing stock? The continual shuffling of ministers, it is like a sort of dance. The turfing out of students of paid-for accommodation in order to house migrants. Anything else? Oh yes, apparently according to the Sun Newspaper and that hilarious journo Rod Liddle, we are no longer allowed to sniff goshawks. As he said, he never knew that so he now has to stop an age long hobby of his! I applaud that because I used to sniff chickens and penguins but now prefer eagles. My neighbours sniff blackbirds but have asked the Council for help because they are so difficult to catch. So, my neighbours insist on a grant of £2,000,000 to provide them with housing where it would be easier to catch blackbirds. Yes, this country has gone to the dogs. Too many people sniffing them. By Jove, in fact to be more to the point, is it not time to look at the person who made the complaint about one BBC program with Chris Packham showing nature in all its glory to se

The future in store? What the....

So nice to know this country is still on the right road. That is to say, the right road to neglect. As a matter of fact, that road was begun some time ago but thanks to indecision and sheer incompetency and ineptitude, it has somewhat accelerated. Poor Mr Sunak, who by all accounts is about the only parliamentarian with a brain, is still struggling with the ultra-woke Civil Service about the immigrant boats which despite providing large amounts of cash to France to stop access to the beaches, has only increased the number attempting to cross. The duplicity of politicians in France even dwarfs the duplicity in the UK. And so the costs now are reported to be in the order of some 14 billion pounds! As it has been said already, it is not just the boats, it is the continuing support on the ground plus upkeep of the immigrants. I am sorry to have to say this but from where I am sitting, far away I can note the cost to the infrastructure. Even here in Wales we are now beginning t

Universal thinking...

On many Question/Answer Forums one can read questions like ‘How many universes could there be’? Or ‘Are we in a parallel universe’? Interesting question s . And replies with the usual, ‘Can’t be’, or ‘Yes, it is’ to ‘Did anyone ask God’? The question s themselves ha ve no proper answer. Simply because the concept is basically a probability exercise. At least for now. A 50-50 concept. However, these are not silly questions, take the BB or as they like to say 'The beginning of time’. They forgot to add, ‘The time our existence began’. Time as a concrete ‘thing’, does not exist. My or your time, only began when the egg we started with was fertilized. Before that there was no ‘me’ time. One of the more interesting explanations was given by Anne Marie Helmenstine PhD. “The natural world follows the laws of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics states that within an isolated system, the entropy of the system remains constant or increases. If the universe is considered to

The Blues after a great holiday!

Haven’t done much these past two weeks, the family has been on a well-deserved holiday. The usual staycation, as they call it nowadays. It means we did not fly all over the place but took two electric cars to West Wales. Amroth near Tenby (or as the Welsh say Dinbych y Pysgod). It is next to a small beach called Wiseman’s Bridge (Pont-yr-ŵr). Really a glorious place but today I believe suffering an overflow of tourists. The places mentioned could easily take the day-trippers, if it was not for their dogs. On the beach at Amroth a signboard states unequivocally, no dogs allowed. Obviously a by-law completely ignored as dozens of dogs quite happily cavort all along the beach accompanied by their owners. There appears to be something wrong with the mindset of the English people and yes, Welsh also, to ignore a simple law because it impinges on their so-called freedom. That they forget why this law is in place just escapes their dim brain cells. Perhaps they just don’t care. The holiday

Carbon Zero? How?

And more it becomes clear that despite good intentions we are not really getting to grips with all the changes that are happening and are still to happen. You could say that the central government makes policy on the hoof with little idea what it entails for the immediate future. On its own the policy to be Carbon-zero by 2030 for London sounds great. Is it achievable? Well, I leave that for others to decide. For myself the answer is – Are you an idiot? The problem is again, making policy without little idea of the consequences. The calibre of politicians today leaves a lot to be desired. Mr Gove this very morning was trying to defend building a million homes. Yet again, and perhaps this is not just his policy or idea but here is another instance of a soundbite sounding brilliant to those who are waiting for a cheap home. Building homes though need loads of land and that has further implications down the line. For a start the procedure is NOT carbon neutral or even kind t

Woke - Who is doing it?

You learn, hear or see something new every day. Reading my two newspapers this morning I noted a very interesting article by one of my favourite journalists – Trevor Kavanagh. Now, you might tell me I’m an idiot which might well be correct, but Trevor hits on a point of which I am also very concerned about. If he is right and why should he not be, there is an undercover something at work in the UK. By that I mean a few organisations, hidden and secretive. He called it CP (Common Purpose). And it includes people in high places such as the ex Police Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. Rather interesting remembering her handling of certain police who were found to be somewhat aberrant in their duties. There are too many of such streams in our political and associated lives. It has opened up this woke industry where literally everybody is scrutinized. Looking at their political views, what they say and what they do. You must excuse me, but in which country do we actually live? Say aga

Hot weather? Believe it or not...

Just now on TV I heard, Scientists say the weather is unprecedented . I think that means we are seeing unprecedented weather patterns. I suppose the scientists are correct. To have a few summers when temperatures are above 40 °C and for longer as well plus extensive droughts in quite a few areas of the planet is indeed pretty worrying. Yet does anyone of the ‘normal’ population worry about that? I don’t hear anyone talking about not going on holiday to the Med. There is now more plastic in this world that can bury us all in a 10 feet deep layer! Our so-called civilisation depends on oil, prior to that we depended on coal and prior to that we depended on wood. The point here is that we have always produced carbon dioxide and some other heartwarming gases because that is life. But as populations grew we simply have produced more. To the effect of placing billions of tonnes of gases in our atmosphere we cannot breathe. The natural cycle has been further changed by humans cutting down the