
Anything wrong, baby? You tell me...

Any sane person would be asking – what in all honesty is the matter with people in this country? This country being, Britain? Listening to the news reports this morning, someone has tried to access the medical history of the Princess of Wales. Well, the first thing to say is – what the F...? Medical history is the absolute property of the individual and should only be seen by qualified medical personnel, such as practising doctors. Now it is a well known fact that news about the Royal family pays lots of lolly but why are we so hell-bent on figuring out what operation the Princess had to have? Even if it was an hysterectomy, thousands of other ladies have to have that. So what? That operation alleviates many other debillitating problems. But frankly I wouldn’t want to really move heaven and earth to know. I am more interested to know the sun will be shining for another 5 billion years or so. I could be out by a few minutes but please forgive me. All of us need to have a very fast reali

Avarice, greed? What, us? Nooooo......

So, slowly this dog loving country is waking up. Actually, all animals are loved in this country. Certainly the vets do! Rumours have been around for ages about the extraordinary fees charged. For instance a CT scan which costs about £1,000 for humans could set you back nearly £4,000 for your little pooch! It is really not that extraordinary as this sort of fleecing the customer abounds in Britain. In fact it goes deeper. Most vet's practices are owned by companies and as we know companies usually have investors that need dividends. These dividends need to rise year by year. Plus exorbitant salaries and benefits for the directors. Top directors earn anything up to £500,000 per annum plus bonuses that can total millions. I really wonder why I had and still not have, an interest in dogs or cats. Perhaps I have been lucky because even in the Covid lock-down we did not need animal company. But then I did not live in a dingy city flat peeking out behind foggy windows listening to the c

Lost the plot? What! Again?

There I was watching yesterday’s news bulletins and also this morning's – 13th March - wondering whether our politicians have lost the plot now totally and completely. I am talking about the continuing crap about racism, gender and whatever else. This country is in the doldrums, basically ungoverned. And here comes that virtue of righteousness Madame Butler, Dawn to her friends, having a ball with what was arguably said about her. Well, frankly it couldn’t happen to another person, I suppose. But she just loved all the attention. Do I believe she really cares about other people’s opinions, of course not. But that’s politics today, personal and vindictive. Obviously her party friends also had to have their say and merrily jumped on the bandwagon. Yep, that’s today’s politics. Nothing but a load of claptrap. To my mind it is a way of walking away from the real problems. There are many problems that signal danger, both to well-being of the population as well as their safety. Most poli

Going down or up?

By all accounts, if you listen to western politicians, we have never had it so good! Our technology makes us live longer than Methuselah, our use of social media straightens up our mental state to hitherto unseen heights. Basically, we are the masters. Well, it makes me ask – in which universe do they live? Far from being a morose individual, I can definitely state we are living in some sort of cloud-cuckoo land. Western politicians play a sort of game that means they have to worry what people think of them. They scan social media on an hourly basis and worse, make decisions to placate next. Never mind that the world is staggering along with hair-raising debt levels measured in the trillions, never mind it is under back-breaking strain thanks to the ever spiralling use of drugs. Cocaine is now used by 1 in 40 UK citizens according to some newspaper articles. I would contest that and say it is much higher! Not just in the UK, all over the western world and probably over the world as h

Put the SAS on trial? - why not, everyone else is...

If anyone thought we are on an even course again after the latest budget from the UK Chancellor, forget it straight away. The budget itself was not exceptionally brilliant but it’ll do for now as it addressed some inequalities and also gave employed people a 2% cut in NI (National Insurance payments). Well, at least it’ll save some of our hard-earned wages. No, it is not the budget, it is the continuing actions of the woke fraternity trying to alter our hard-won freedoms in this country. Freedoms like free speech, freedoms of calling a cat a cat or a woman a woman. These idiots have been trying for years to change the fabric of our society and frankly, if you would ask me, they are succeeding thanks to weak government. This again is shown with the MoD (Ministry of Defence) considering trying SAS soldiers for allegedly killing a Taliban terror suspect. You must excuse me. But why do we have the SAS and what is their task? You tell me. Apparently a dim retired general has said,’The SAS o

Universal questions? Maybe...

When I was talking to an immediate much younger family member who had been pontificating about physics I mentioned it would be interesting to figure out what the very basic building block of the universe actually was. It became obvious that in the secondary schools things do not go much further than atoms and if you’re lucky might burble on a bit about neutrons, protons and electrons. But only if the teacher had experienced a good night’s sleep and had not argued with the partner! Today we know that even the aforementioned items can exist of quarks. However, following the train of thought, are these existing of more smaller parts? And if so, what are the forces they are subjected to? Since, atoms etc exist there has to be some force to compel the forming of greater, more weightier, particles. Moreover, are these particles in some sort of eternal dance, combining, separating, re-combining for ever and ever? Then again what about energy? What is the E from E=MC ². In this equation, the i

Did someone hear the trumpet then?

Good Lord, has the present day government finally woken up? The good Rishi (Sunak) has stood in front of No.10 talking about the way democracy is being undermined by extremists, groups as well as individually. He, he, well at least the PM thinks it but will it make any difference? As a nation we have simply walked into an alley, yes a blind one but very long, and it ought to be obvious what the eventual end result would be. The problem has been one of silent acceptance all along. Smallish groups with very big mouths , individuals on Facebook and other social media, even parliamentarians who jumped on the bandwagon in the hope of furthering their miserable careers. Take Gaza, take the gender ideology, take the way universities lecture and allow extremist views to be discussed openly. Take the way appointed bodies in the political arena decide school curriculae, the list is endless. In a few words – it shows how the state has become rudderless. Moving from side to side heading slowly to